Affiliate IDs connected to Customer Lead Information?

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New member
Dec 14, 2007
Brooklyn this is probably a really stupid question.

But i'm wondering besides the fact that a conversion is connected to my affiliate id (obviously), is my affiliate ID also connected to the customer lead information?

For example if Thomas Smith fills out his information for an offer that has a $10 recurring charge in the fine print and submits his information...can the network/merchant tell that Thomas Smith was specifically MY lead and nobody elses?

I'm just wondering if the customer subsequently calls into the merchant to dispute the charges that he didn't read about, can they trace his submission back to my affiliate ID and get me in trouble if he bitches about my landing page or something he felt was "misleading"...which would possibly tempt the network to withold my earnings?

Of course your affiliate id is tied to the lead info... if you do 100 rebills and 99 of them call in and cancel immediately, guess what: The advertiser is going to tell the network to blacklist you from the advertisers offers. The network is probably gonna give you hell too.

The networks and advertisers can and do check the quality of your leads.
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