Affiliate & 7search?

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Waste of e-space
Aug 1, 2006
Anyone have success with 7search and a affiliate program?

I'm getting ready to test a few.

I have a lamborghini named adwords, a porsche named 7search and a vw bus named searchfeed.
Not that I have seen. My tests didn't convert anything. Even on just a zip submit.
i don't understand why - is there a valid reason that 7search isn't good for this? most of the people clicking through 3rd tier SEs are idiots right? why wouldnt' they be more likely to click on a CFA ad you post, thinking its the best deal they've ever seen!
Part of the problem is that a lot of aff offers are u.s. only and a lot of the 7search traffic is international.
This is my firtst post here, but I've been playing these games a while.. so here's my 2c:

Had GREAT days on 7 search, not too many of them. Most were spent painstakingly monitoring, or just getting lucky. It 'aint my favorite, but i still spend there.

Oh yeah, and think re-curring. I think that's the key to PPC aff sales.
Part of the problem is that a lot of aff offers are u.s. only and a lot of the 7search traffic is international.

True- but you can turn off your site at night our time so you can limit the foreign clicks...
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