Affili@Sydney 2010 Who's going?


New member
Apr 10, 2007
So the next Aussie shindig is set for 8th June in Sydney Looks like one of the better meetings of the year, with exclusions to the keynote speaker :p

So whos going from WF? Anyone from the westcoast?


the best thing about last year was the buffet lunch (yum). I think this year should be better though so i'll be there.
Yeah, the only decent thing last year was the panel with the Credit Card World and MyFatrRewards guys. But then, I can speak to those guys in person. Might come for the free booze at the end or something.

actually, yeah, now that you mention it, the buffet was good..
I saw it, wasn't gonna bother, but NOW I gotta see this buffet! ;-)

Just booked flights. Probably gonna stay at the same hotel but will book that on Monday.
I will be at Affili@ tomorrow. PM or SMS (0402484528) me if you want to meet up and say hi... lol

<=== lol