Affilate marketing help

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
North East PA
All of the money that I have generated online to this point is coming from running Adsense and YPN on content driven websites. I am not making thousands a day from these networks, but have generated a decent income in the past 6 months or so.

I am looking to broaden my horizons. Id like to get into more of a sales type environment. Id like to start promoting specific products and earning through leads and sales. The problem is I have no idea where or how to start. That would only be a half truth, I do have a CJ account that I have made shit through, but they do have a few products and services I think I could push if I could get the attention /traffic needed to covert.

You know what instead of me shooting out a bunch of shit, if you are making $$$ through this type of marketing could yah shoot me some tips on, one how to market these type promotion, how to drive traffic to convert and so on.

I am not looking for a magic bullet here, though I am looking for some good advice and pointers on this type of affiliate marketing. Like I said, Adsense,YPN and content websites are about as far as my marketing experience go's on the web. It would be much appreciated.

Thanks Jer

If you are looking for where to start, just pick something that is going to pay reasonably (e.g., Newegg's new affiliate program on CJ paying 1.5% per sale is not reasonable), build a site, send traffic, and repeat until something works really well.

When I started with Adsense I was just randomly making sites but now I have a much better idea of what to look for, based on what I'm good at. Its kind of the same with affiliate marketing.
One of my main concerns is brining in traffic, say I choose to promote, there would be a limited ammount of content that could be placed on the site promoting this product, thus limiting the chances of being picked up and placed by search engines, in turn no traffic.

PPC would be one way of picking up some traffic, but I dont think relying on PPC alone would be the ticket, but I may be wrong.

The best advice I can give to somebody just getting into affiliate marketing is to avoid the (in hindsight, very obvious) mistakes that I made. I'm doing pretty well for myself now, but I got killed in the beginning.

My original method was to look through the CJ advertiser list and go after whatever had insanely high eCPC. Of course, being an idiot, I didn't realize that those markets would be *unbelievably* competitive. For instance, SunSetter Awnings has a huge payout, but there's a company called doing TV ads for them! That's not the kind of company you're going to be able to compete with, at least in the beginning.

What I would suggest is going after some of the low-hanging fruit. Find some new offers that not many people are going after yet. Do ones that have fairly simple-to-complete requirements (say, downloading software > downloading and installing sofware > purchasing software. Another example: enter your zip code > enter your e-mail address > enter your shipping address > enter your billing information). Try to make it as easy on yourself as possible.

Once you get the hang of it, then you can start branching out into the more interesting offers - they're harder to convert, but they're potentially much more lucrative. Just try to do the easy stuff to start, until you have a good idea of what you're doing.
Question about "downloading software > downloading and installing sofware > purchasing software"

okay so the basic idea is to build a landing page (or several) and buy traffic through PPC.. then hope that it converts? or is it recommended to have the PPC traffic link directly to the "downloading software" page? (skipping my landing page)
stanley said:
Question about "downloading software > downloading and installing sofware > purchasing software"

okay so the basic idea is to build a landing page (or several) and buy traffic through PPC.. then hope that it converts? or is it recommended to have the PPC traffic link directly to the "downloading software" page? (skipping my landing page)

If you are using adwords you might run in to problems with the only one url will be displayed rule. I would at least redirect them through one of your domains so that you can do some of your own tracking.
I'm not sure I was clear in those examples - it meant to say that getting a user to download software is easier than getting a user to download and install software, which is easier than getting a user to purchase software. So, if you can find a good one, go for just a straight download offer first, if you're interested in promoting software. Whatever you do, try to keep it pretty easy at first.

Anyhow - there are pros and cons to landing page vs. sending traffic directly to the advertiser. Having your own landing page makes it easier to be listed in the search engines. For Google, you can set up your page so you have a decent quality score and don't have to pay a ton for the ads. Plus, having your own domain means that you get listed even if somebody is bidding more. That is, if you're doing an ad for, and somebody else is doing the same campaign, you have to outbid them. But if you make your own domain,, you can both be listed. Yahoo is similar - they will sometimes purge listings if you are not the owner of the domain you're advertising for.

Of course, the tradeoff is that your page is another hurdle for the user... it's one more click they have to complete before you get paid. In addition, you have to make a page good enough to entice them on to the advertiser's site. If you can make it look like your site is part of the process, that's the best. Lots of ringtone affiliate sites do that with "Choose your carrier" pages. Those pages don't provide a ton of utility, generally, they just give the publisher a landing page and convince the user it's all part of the process of getting a ringtone.
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