Adwords problems WTF!

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Mar 1, 2009
I have a domain and i have an offer on URL

now in my campaign i have the following

After uploading ads to adwords and I am receiving the following message

Display URL must be accurate.
  • Your display URL must accurately reflect the URL of the website you're advertising. It should match the domain of your landing page so users will know which site they'll be taken to when they click on your ad.
  • If your actual destination URL link is too long to use as your display URL, use a shortened version (such as your homepage) that meets the character limit for this field.Example:
    Destination URL:
    Display URL: FootwearMallUSA
  • The display URL field cannot be used as another line of ad text.
  • Your display URL must include the domain extension, for example:,, or
I don't understand i have other offers running with the display URL as www-XXXX.xom with out the www. at the front.

Why is this?, so annoying

Dunno what's up with Google at the moment. They're being right bastards and are now disapproving campaigns that have run for months without issue. This started only a few days ago. The stupid dicks keep telling me my kw dest url is inaccurate, which is BS as all my ads are in the format:

Ad Dest:
Kw Dest: => redirects to Ad Dest url. all 3 URL's have to match/be exact??

Why don't you spend the 1 hr to test it out and see what happens? If someone does give you the answer, how do you know they tested it correctly?

Sorry if I'm sounding like an ass, but if I believed everything people told me, instead of trying stuff out myself I would literally be making -$300 per day.
I have been playing around still trying to get the add approved.
I think it's been disapproved due to the fact that i am using a redirect directly to the aff link direct linking. The display and final destination have to be the same top level domain. everything is just to hard
Why don't you spend the 1 hr to test it out and see what happens? If someone does give you the answer, how do you know they tested it correctly?

Sorry if I'm sounding like an ass, but if I believed everything people told me, instead of trying stuff out myself I would literally be making -$300 per day.

ive tested it out...and they keep getting disapproved....all urls contain the same domain as google wants.....BUT....the ads keep getting disapproved...:(.....ex...

ad copy -
destination url -
kw url -

why is this not ok with google??
ive tested it out...and they keep getting disapproved....all urls contain the same domain as google wants.....BUT....the ads keep getting disapproved...:(.....ex...

ad copy -
destination url -
kw url -

why is this not ok with google??

Does the visitor finish up on after the kw redirect? If not, then that's the issue. The lander must be the same TLD as the display url.
The kw redirect was a loop hole that worked as the bots never use to check destination, but now it appears they do. On an existing campaign, any change at all can trigger the bots to check.

In my case though, they were flagging the kw destination url, even though the visitor finished up on the same TLD as the display url. That issue now appears to be fixed, as last campaign went through OK. Although I did read on the Google Help forums that others are seeing the exact same issue, but on an intermittent basis within the same campaign i.e. some kws approved, others denied.
thats the thing......the visitor is not landing on the display url.....i was wanting to dispaly one url..and have them go to another url...this is not possible?
thats the thing......the visitor is not landing on the display url.....i was wanting to dispaly one url..and have them go to another url...this is not possible?
Using the kw destination url trick, this use to be possible, but now seems less & less so. One way around it is to use IP/User Agent cloaking on the kw url. But YMMV.
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