Adwords: Not able to direct link or iframe?

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New member
Oct 19, 2008
The sign says "Nowhere".
I used direct linking before. But generally, I always create a landing page for even new campaigns so I have not been direct linking for few last few months now. Today, I was trying to direct link a new offer by using php redirect from my page.

Display URL:
Destination URL :

My display and destination URLs are the same but keep getting my ads disproved no matter what I do. reason: inaccurate URL.

Then somewhere I read redirect linking is not allowed. So i switched to iframe, same thing. Ads were disapproved again. I switched to a landing page then it was fine.

Any ideas?


Could happen if the offer is for non-US traffic that redirects US traffic (googlebot) to someplace else
If you're using AZoogleAds, that could be the source of the problem. Their redirect domain has caused problems for me in the past.

I've also had an instance where the Google rep would see a different landing page than I'm seeing.

Either way, give Google a call or use the online chat.
call Google?

uhh yeah man
Yes. You can call Google AdWords support. They're not always helpful, but can take a look into your account if something is going wrong (and you've checked everything on your end beforehand).
Just to clarify, your problem is the '/Save' part your display URL. It's inaccurate because that page doesnt exist, and the user does not end up on it. To fix you need to either actually create a page or your display url needs to be just

And you can i-frame - I know at least one of my competitors who is doing this and being fantastically successful. But you will need to either IP cloak all of the Google bots and show them content or do something similar to maintain a high QS.
Just to clarify, your problem is the '/Save' part your display URL. It's inaccurate because that page doesnt exist, and the user does not end up on it. To fix you need to either actually create a page or your display url needs to be just
That's incorrect. All that matters is the domain. Subdomain and sub-folders in the display URL don't have to exist.
Well I couldn't figure the issue with the inaccurate display URL but I moved on. I create a new campaign and did the same thing and it is working fine. Not sure what it was.

And no having /Save was not the problem. As long as the domain names in your display and destination are the same, you're fine. Google allows to append whatever sub-domain (before or after the domain) you like (most time it is the keyword or a sub-string of the keywords you're promoting).

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You're not the first one I hear who have had this problem, and I had this same issue recently myself.

I had...

Actual URL the visitor lands on:

Google disapproved my ads saying that my display URL didn't match my destination URL. The rep I contacted saying they had to be the same (duh!) but he was literally referring to the tracking domain I had entered, not matching. :nopenope:

When I explained to him that my tracking domain obviously ends up at the same domain as the display URL, he responded with "[FONT=&quot]I have reviewed your account and apologise if the prior disapproval was made in error[/FONT]"

So...something is up on their end.
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