Adwords LP duplicate content


New member
Feb 28, 2010
After figuring out the exact match keywords that work best for my campaign, I'm creating new ad groups for each keyword which direct to an LP which has the keyword in the headline, body copy and also the url - basically, I'm creating copies of my current LP and tweaking them for each keyword.

Will I be hit with the duplicate content penalty for having so many LPs with the same content but on different urls?

So what's the solution? Big G says relevance is key to getting a high QS, but if I have 50 different keywords all pointing to the same LP, then the relevance isn't as great as it should be...
Here's my problem in a nutshell -

I'm selling a product named 'widgets', which comes in different colours. After running a campaign with one ad group 'widgets' for 2 weeks, I've found that search terms like 'red widgets', 'blue widgets' etc are high converting keywords, so I moved them into their own ad groups and created ads for them. As of now, all the ad groups are pointed at the same old LP. I would like to raise the relevance (and therefore my QS) by creating specific LPs for each ad group and incorporating the search term ('red widgets' for ex) into the headline, body copy and the url.

My question - since the new LPs will be copies of the original LP with virtually the same content but with minor tweaks, will I be penalized for duplicate content by google? How can I get around this? I can't create completely separate and original LPs for each ad group since the product is the same one.
Most likely you won't have a problem.

G is against dupe content on landing pages when they are across many domains. That's a sure sign of affiliates pimping the same offer.

If all "identical" landers are on your own domain and are not replicated elsewhere, then it probably won't cause any problems.

But it won't help you much either. You can seed pages with keywords all you want. It won't really make them any more relevant to their respective specific phrases.

G doesn't really care if some specific phrase appears on your landing page. It takes the context of the entire text on the page and tries to figure out which phrases would be relevant and which won't be. Presence/absence of those specific phrase (even in title) doesn't seem to make that much difference.
My question - since the new LPs will be copies of the original LP with virtually the same content but with minor tweaks, will I be penalized for duplicate content by google? How can I get around this? I can't create completely separate and original LPs for each ad group since the product is the same one.

I did the same thing except I was using dynamic content instead of 1 lp per adgroup. I got slapped.

Here is something I would suggest

Write generic content for both widgets as detail as possible, don't mention any color. This you will have good QS.

Within the content or right below the headline, use dynamic picture insertion. If people search for blue widget, show a pic of blue widget, if they search for yellow widget, show image for yellow widget.

Dup content will get penalized, but if you are only switching out the picture, it should be ok.
Thanks jardini +rep

Write generic content for both widgets as detail as possible, don't mention any color.

This is what I'm doing right now. All ad groups are pointed to the same LP which sells widgets. I'll try the dynamic image insertion.

Btw, is there a problem with 50 ad groups pointing to the same LP? They're all targeted and relevant to the LP (red widgets and blue widgets going to an LP selling widgets), but I was wondering if big G would have a problem with it.