Adwords Keyword Etiquette towards Customers


New member
Apr 19, 2011
Hi Guys,
So I'm running some adwords campaigns for a handful of low volume customers. One of them has been with me for about a year now and has asked me if I can send him a list of the keywords/phrases I am using.
I dont know how I feel about this - isnt this the point of hiring someone like me so I can manage and get the best keywords for the client?
Giving this list to the customer means he can just go off and use the 'fine tuned' list himself and then doesnt need me anymore?

Whats the industry norm here, is it as above and its not something you give out or is it perfectly acceptable for a customer to request this and for me to provide it?

Thanks in advance!

Very common in PPC.

Question - Is it your account that you built and also pay the monthly ad spent on, and just pass him the invoice for the spend and work at the end of the month

Or is it his account that he pays the spend for monthly and he hired you to tweak and manage?

If it's the 2nd, its his data so give it to him.
My account that I built and I pay with my CC. I invoice him afterwards with my 25% management fee...
In that case, it's your data in my eyes.

If they persist, you can always give him a partial list. As in partial from the bottom of the low volume terms.

Don't give the match types though, any geo or day parting info, etc.

They wont be able to do much with "just" keywords alone that also happen to be from the bottom of the pile.