Adwords Hit Budget, Imps took a shit

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Pasta Eatin Mofo
Dec 1, 2007
I had this adwords campaign kicking major ass. More and more imps daily. I had a family emergency and had to bail. During that timeframe, my account ran out of budget.

I replenished it within a few hours, but now I'm getting shit for impressions even after 8 hours have passed. Has anyone had this happen? I'm curious if the budget hit is my problem or if I should be looking into something else.

The adwords live help says this could be the case, but honestly those guys kinda strike me as drones. I suggested this as the potential problem, and I think they were just repeating my suggestion back to me.

As for the emergency - Its actually bittersweet. My sister's 17 y/o son was killed by a drunk driver while he was skateboarding on his driveway on Monday. The driver tried to pass another car at high speed and veered right into his driveway hitting the kid directly. Today was the funeral, and wouldn't ya know it, on the same day my fiance gave birth to my new son Vincent! Handing out virtual cigars :)
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Thanks! I guess I should elaborate a bit more on the campaigns - they're Google Placement which can take a day or two to get going. I was getting about 1 milly imps / day before the budget ran out. My assumption is when I ran out of pre-pay budget, google canned my placement (obviously), and now it will take another day or two to start over from scratch.

Kinda sucks if that is the case. For now, its a big fat goose egg on the impression side :(

If that isn't the problem, I'm clueless. Totally new to G placements.
Thanks! I guess I should elaborate a bit more on the campaigns - they're Google Placement which can take a day or two to get going. I was getting about 1 milly imps / day before the budget ran out. My assumption is when I ran out of pre-pay budget, google canned my placement (obviously), and now it will take another day or two to start over from scratch.

Kinda sucks if that is the case. For now, its a big fat goose egg on the impression side :(

If that isn't the problem, I'm clueless. Totally new to G placements.

WTF is wrong with postpay + daily budget?

Found out the problem - my Google Placement got slapppped. Anger. AdSonar is looking better and better.

I'm assuming the budget issue or the fact that I was splooging my ads on people's sites triggered a manual review -> slappage.

And for the record it wasn't the AdWords drone who figured it out. I did. I had one campaign on google search going to the same landing page as my placement, and the keywords all went to $10 bids. Since google doesn't tell you quality score on CN or Placement ads, this is the only way (that I know of).

Fuckin Douchgle can toss my salad.
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