Adwords Editor "account limit" problem

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Nov 7, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
As we know, the Google Adwords Editor can save lots of time when managing campaigns. But it does have its share of problems/bugs.
Today I tried to upload some ad and keyword changes to my account, when all the sudden it now gives me this error:


This account is nowhere near its limits yet (which I believe the limit is 1 million keywords). I have deleted lots of old campaigns and their adgroups as well, and I should be way in the clear.

Not just that, but the "changes" I was trying to upload was just another 54 ads.

I have emailed their support of course, but email response time is like 6-7 days. I will try to get one of their chat reps to help me with this tonight, although I have had mixed experience with those clowns lately.

In the meantime - has anyone here seen this error and been able to solve it? I'm using the latest version 5.

It happens now and then on Google end and has nothing to do with the account limits - try later. Though it can take Google long to resolve this issue (once i had this problem for over a week)
Do you have all 54 of those ads in one adgroup? I had that problem with Adwords Editor once and it was because I had too many ads in one adgroup. Your only allowed to have 50 ads per adgroup. Try that and see if it works.
you sure you didn't reach the other limits?

i hears it's

25 campaigns per account, 100 adgroups per campaign. and I'm not sure about the keyword limit.
Do you have all 54 of those ads in one adgroup? I had that problem with Adwords Editor once and it was because I had too many ads in one adgroup. Your only allowed to have 50 ads per adgroup. Try that and see if it works.

Thanks for that tip! I started looking through some random adgroups just to see if something wasn't right, and low and behold - one adgroup had close to 60 identical ads in it! No idea how that happened.

I removed the duplicate ads and it posted just fine. :)
you sure you didn't reach the other limits?

i hears it's

25 campaigns per account, 100 adgroups per campaign. and I'm not sure about the keyword limit.

I had trouble with Adwords Editor today. The error said that it could communicate with Adwords but could not post. It worked a little while later.

I also don't think 100 adgroups per campaign is correct because I have over 400 in one campaign.
Contact google, say you know what you're doing and you want your limits increased.
2000 adgroups per campaign. There is also a 2000 keyword per adgroup limit, at least this is what I've encountered.
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