AdWords Editor 5 Released

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have a seat over there
May 4, 2007
Tampa Bay, FL
AdWords Editor

A few useful upgrades:

Release Notes said:
Version 5.0

New features:
  • Local business ads: View, add, and update your local business ads on the new Local Business Ads tab.
  • Export picker: Select specific campaigns and ad groups to export to CSV.
  • Save your searches: Use the 'Name this search' feature in Advanced search to save the settings for up to eight searches.
  • Draft account: Like a draft campaign, a draft account may be shared with other AdWords Editor users. To post, export the account for archiving, then import it into a non-draft account.
  • Default campaign targeting: In the Tools menu > Settings, specify a language and location for your new campaigns to target by default.
  • Find errors quickly: If your campaigns contain items with errors or warnings, you'll see splats at the top of the affected tabs.
  • Maximize work space: View more rows in the data view by minimizing the other panels, such as error descriptions or 'Review Proposed Changes.'
Updated features:
  • Add/Update Multiple tools
    • Optional URLs: For all ad types, the display and destination URLs are no longer required. If a URL isn't included, AdWords Editor attempts to borrow a suitable URL from an existing ad in the ad group. Learn more about this feature.
    • Specify image ad URLs: In step 1 of Add/Update Multiple Image Ads, you can enter display and destination URLs to be used for all new image ad
    • Column headers: You may now include column headers in your list of items for the Add and Delete Multiple tools. Column headers are optional for everything except local business ads, where they're required.
  • New keyboard shortcuts
    • Move between the tree view and the data view with the Alt key plus the right or left arrow.
    • Open Advanced Search with Ctrl+Shift+S.
    • If you have a row selected in the data view, use the F2 key to make the first cell editable.
Other improvements
  • Budget Optimizer: It's now possible to enter 'Auto' as the CPC bid for ad groups or keywords in campaigns with the Budget Optimizer enabled.
  • Case insensitive campaign and ad group names: 'Chocolate Ad Group' and 'chocolate ad group' are now considered the same name.
  • Draft campaigns included in export: If you export your account for archiving, your draft campaigns
A new name for an old feature:
  • The AdWords feature formerly known as site targeting is now called placement targeting. Learn more about this change.

Can you finally edit CPC Placement campaigns with the editor?

You can see them now and add URLs, but not actually search & generated a list of available placement sites that arent already in your placement campaign. At least you can see them & get the stats.
keep getting "Adwords Editor was able to contact adwords but there was aproblem with the communication. Please try again later." Thats when I try and use it on my mac... it works on windows though..
keep getting "Adwords Editor was able to contact adwords but there was aproblem with the communication. Please try again later." Thats when I try and use it on my mac... it works on windows though..

I got it to work on my mac, try restarting, redownloading or reinstalling.
after installation i got the error "The parameter is not correct" when i tried to launch editor. im going to reboot.
Updating to this was little bit funky on Mac. When I started 4.0.0 version it asked if I wanted to update, well yes. Then it closed Editor and didn't do anything else. I had to manually go to AE's website and download the package.

Well, at least this one works with placements.
haven't had a problem on xp so far :D

Same here - never a freeze on XP.
HOWEVER - the editor does not properly update your campaigns in G the same way as when modify them in G itself i.e. if you pause an adgroup in the editor it will pause it in G as desired, but it still shows active in G (even thought it stopped running).
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