adwords conversion tracking with tracking pixel

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Aug 12, 2007
I'm using copeac for a few campaigns, and want to start using the pixel tracking thing.

how can i do this with adwords? The code i get for conversion tracking is js -- but i do see a 1x1 image... Can i just take that img - which is like the following:

and put that in the copeac tracking pixel thing? Will that work? Also, is it the same url to that image for all of my adwords campaigns?

yes, no

you need to add a dynamic label to it such as {keyword} so it knows which keyword it is for. say i send my adwords visitor to some landing page and i have it to auto send .php?kw=somekeyword then i attach this to my affiliate link in subid subid= the php echo code to read from the url and then they got to the affiliate and it sees the keyword and when conversion happens they will fill the keyword part of your url with the keyword and send it to google.

hmm i been dinking i hope this makes some sinces laol
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