Adwords: Broad vs Phrase vs Exact

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New member
Jul 29, 2006
Hi all-

I know the difference between broad, phrase and exact matching on adwords. However, does anyone know about the below situation?

What about these 2 scenarios:


If I have these keywords in my ad group:

red widget
"red widget"
[red widget]

If some searches for red widget, does it target the exact phrase first since it's more specialized? Obviously it could match any of the 3 keywords here. I assume the exact phrase would get the impression.


I have 2 ad groups:

Ad group 1: max CPC 0.50:
"red widget"
[red widget]

Ad group 2: max CPC 0.20:
red widget

Here I have the same keywords in both ad groups. One ad group is targeting the keywords more precisely (phrase and exact matching) and I am willing to pay a higher CPC for the ad position. I also have the same keyword in a second ad group. Here I used a lower max CPC since it's a broad match.

Now if some searches for red widget, when ad group will be triggered? If the search is literally red widget then I want Ad group 1 to show since I think I'll get a higher position. However if someone searches on red cool widget I want Ad group 2 to show so I can pay a lower CPC.

Any comment or experience on this? Should I have all 3 keyword variations in the same ad group and specify individual CPC bids per keyword?


Well im no adwords expert but I had this same type of question a while back. I had all 3 variations in a campaign but the broad match was eating up my daily budget quickly and the CTR wasnt as good as the other variations. What I did was create a lot more phrase matches to try and target more what people were looking for. I would suggest using broard match only to get an idea what people are searching for then eventually narrow it down with phrase, and exact match. Now this may be completely wrong so hopefully and adwords expert can shed more light on this, but it has been working ok for me.
My understanding is it goes for exact match first. So if you have an exact match, it will go with that, and then phrase and then broad if there is no other match.

Often people will bid more for exact and less for broad.
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