AdWords Annoyance

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New member
Sep 27, 2006
I created a new ad group with keywords not found elsewhere in the campaign/account. They're all niche keywords with low $0.15 bids. However, 95% of the keywords are immediately listed as "Inactive for search." It even suggests increasing the bid to $5.00 for a search term that has absolutely no competition.

Any idea what's going on?

Typically, Google would at least run the ad a bit to determine the quality, then list it as Inactive.

I don't understand how keywords with no competition are being inactivated.


<damn posted in the wrong forum>

Google does that

It depends on what your promoting, I have had problems with that check your display url . Sometime they dont like it dont ask me why try changing your display url for a day or so the change it back you will see it drops. Or at least that is what happened with me.
Are your keywords related to your ad, and related to the text on your landing page? Is your landing page of quality?
Also add quality outgoing links to your landing page (i.e. wikipedia). You can also make sure that your keyword appears in the ad.

Send me a PM with your landing page and I can help you increase the quality score.
I think its ridiculous, i have to add all kinds of content and links to my landing page, and this cuts my conversions considerably, i hate google. I shouldnt have to pay more than 5 cents on any keyword with no ads on it, thats all there is to it.
The funny thing is, google thinks they're upping the quality of their network with this quality score bs, but what they're reallying doing is just getting more pages with bullshit pretend-review page copy that's there simply to game the quality score, in effect lowering the actual quality of their network. If I'm joe user, I'd rather know an ad is an ad, rather than see something pretending to be a review but it's really an ad. I mean hell, I clicked on an ad in the first place to get there.
My adwords account is fucked now too.

I just got $11.00 bids for every single keyword in a new campaign and this site is loaded with content and links etc....

I think I had one shitty page infect my entire account.

I run a few domains off the same IP. Does anything I try that resolves to that server/ip now auto-fucked? Even if its a new domain I've never had in adwords?

If I get a new server/ip is that a 'fresh start' ?

or Is QS based on the adwords account itself?

ie. No matter what I put in there it will be fucked regardless because my account is labeled as having shit quality.
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