adwords and minimum 10$ bids on almost a year old campaign

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New member
Nov 12, 2006
The g$$gle is at it again.

One of my campaigns that's been running profitably for almost a year has been hit with 10$ min bids all of a sudden.

Does anyone know if they changed QS algo or something?

this happened to me too today. I was just about to make a post on it. My campaign had been running for months with 0.05 - 0.10 cent minimum bids.
God i hate google
When you look in your adwords campaign, next to your keywords what exactly does it say? Does it say something like, "Raise your bid to $10.00 or raise the quality of your keyword?"

If those keywords have a low quality score, then they charge more. Something similiar happened to me, my affiliate manager e-mailed me with this new idea he had about getting traffic from targetted keywords for a highly competitive offer.

Well, I spent a while on getting all these keywords up, only to find out that while nobody is bidding on these keywords, that I have to pay $5 a click. To get more information you can chat with them live if you login to your adwords campaign, you'll find a link on the page when you add new keywords. So that's what I did, and that's what they told me if the keyword quality is low then you have to pay more, which doesn't make any sense.

I think they're starting to go after charging more for targeted traffic than broad traffic. I'm sure from all these forums, they've found out about how targetted traffic can make affiliates money, while their "big money spenders" are bidding crazy on broad keywords but missing sales due to targetted keywords which are at min. bid.

Edit: Mine were phrases, not a 1 word keyword. Although it was a very specific phrase, and I did this for about 200 items in the store.
This is what fucked my very profitable hosting campaign about 1 year ago.... I had the #1 spot for lots of keywords in. Then almost overnight, the CPC doubled or tripled, and I dumped to an average 3-7th spot and have stayed there since... :(
I hate it, always have, always will. I can run a good week .20 below, the next $5-$10. I get pissed shut things down. A week later I get and email asking if they can help. I check, QS is back to .20 below. I run for another week...same shit, repeat.


So now I've turned to the dark side and spam their craptastic engine with my shit and now I don't pay anything for their traffic.

...although I still do run some campaign through adwords the ones I was paying out big on are not running anymore and my ROI is higher than ever.
Yep, got me too. They only kill landing pages I host on my own domain. My direct-to-merchant links are great, though.

What seems to have worked before is simply changing domain name.
It's moments like this that makes you wonder why MS and Yahoo don't step up and steal everybody. They miss big opportunities. Perfect time to work the boards and do some good PR, improve their search, cater to advertisers and affiliates...etc..
IMO they are giving 10$ bids to known affiliate links. Prolly all popular networks such as azoogle are affected.

It's puzzling to me why they want to push affiliates off of the market, because affiliates are major driving force of PPC market itself.
They are skimming your ROI for more cash.

What puzzles me is why in the hell would someone pay for traffic if they weren't getting a return.

Google can try and bs me about it's for the quality of search because I'm not buying it. For me the quality has nothing to do with the paid spots.
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