Adwords and affiliate links - I am missing something...

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New member
May 11, 2007
If I want to set up an AdWords campaign to promote let's say a COPEAC or CJ campaign (and now comes the stupid question), what do I put in the display URL? I mean I can't use a URL that's already been used by another advertiser (like the merchant's URL), so what do you put in there? A link to a page of yours on another domain?

And does Google Adwords cares about the destination URL the same way? I mean if the page my affiliate link redirects to is already existing for another AdWords advertiser, will my ad still be displayed?

Thank you for enlightening me on this.

The display URL is supposed to contain the domain name of the landing page. And only one ad per domain will be shown. If you have the same ad as another affiliate using the same display URL, then the one with the higher bid price will be the only one shown.
Could I send the visitors to a landing page of mine (on another domain) which would then send them to the merchant's landing page?

Of course you can, why wouldn't you be able to do that? It's actually better that way because you can squeeze out more conversions by preselling your visitors.
Could I send the visitors to a landing page of mine (on another domain) which would then send them to the merchant's landing page? says:
[SIZE=-1]We allow affiliates to use AdWords advertising. Please note that we'll only display one ad for affiliates and parent companies sharing the same Display URL per search query. We also monitor and don't allow the following:
  • Redirect URLs: Ads that contain Display URLs that automatically redirect to the parent company.
  • Bridge Pages: Ads for webpages that act as an intermediary, whose sole purpose is to link or redirect traffic to the parent company.
  • Framing: Ads for webpages that replicate the look and feel of a parent site.
You can use your own landing page, but Google doesn't like "thin affiliate" sites so you'll need more than just a simple blurb and a link to the merchant.
Google will just say your ad is inactive because another advertiser is using the same display URL (yes, the display URL, not sure about the destination URL though).

To verify this, in AdWords go to "Campaign Management => Tools => Ads Diagonostic". Then enter some keywords from your ad group. Google will tell you why your ads are inactive.
if u use redirects, they'll pause ur campaign, saying that the destination url isn't accurate.

i'm not sure about this, but i heard that if u 'break the rules' too much, google will ban u from adwords. :eek:
Yup, people do get banned from adwords for breaking the rules excessively.
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