adwords ad using my display URL


New member
Oct 5, 2007

I did a search on a main keyword of an organic site I have that I'm doing no adwords advertising with and see my site as the display URL of somebody elses ad! When I clicked it goes to some MFA site. Was surprised that Google let this thorugh, I thought display had to match destination. If I complain to Google will they pull this guys ad, my organic site has a bit of a brand and he's wrecking it.

yeah, just complained. turns out the guy is cloaking, when i put the adwords url into google translate, it goes to my site! what a prick... but kudos!
Yep I've had this happen before to me. I was too amused to do anything about it.
Had that happen on a travel domain of mine once... mustn't have been profitable as the campaign wasn't around for long.
google retards respond saying it matches the display url on their end. i hate outing this guys cloaking but fuck it, it's my domain
google retards respond saying it matches the display url on their end. i hate outing this guys cloaking but fuck it, it's my domain

ahhhhh i love my cloak script. so difficult for anyone i'm trying to cloak to see the real page :)

doubt it's me jamming up your url though.