adwords ad position BS

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New member
Aug 7, 2007
how the bloody hell are you supposed to conduct accurate ad split tests now on adwords when you launch a new ad and it appears 4-5 spots lower down the board than the current ad you're testing it against!!

i don't remember it being like this a few months back - you could just refresh the page and the ads switched but stayed in the same position now they are jumping around like cats on a hot tin roof.

this is bullshit.

i take it i'm going to have to let them build up some kind of hidden qs as well for a few days before i can run an accurate test? btw i have QS10 on the keyword. bollox <vent over />

Its prob your search history kicking in. Does it say something like 'results based on your search history' or something like that? If so try another browser/log out of google and search again.

The ad preview tool will also be influenced by the search history unless you do searches from their custom iframe at the top.
Your gonna have to run an Ad Performance report and check "Avg Position" under Add or Remove Columns to see if they have had the same position over whatever length of time.
AD's carry history. That 4-5 spot is pretty much the starting point for that campaign. You'll need to run that AD for a few days, get a high CTR, and will get back to the same position as you're last AD. It's the only way to go about it.
correct me if I'm wrong but I believe you don't need to pay attention to ad position if you're split testing clicks to conversions (not CTR)...
correct me if I'm wrong but I believe you don't need to pay attention to ad position if you're split testing clicks to conversions (not CTR)...

testing ads for ctr

thanks for the help guys :)
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