adwords ad manual reviews?

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New member
Aug 7, 2007
so i have an adgroup in a sensitive niche and its been running sweet for a while. the problem is sometimes when i add new ads to it they don't show?? they come up as active but just never gain any impressions. one ad has been sitting like this for 3 days now. this is search not content.

i've never seen this before and all other adgroups remain unaffected. strangely when i copy/pasted this particular adgroup and remade all the ads, the new ads sat there for 5 hours with no impressions. i paused the new one and started the old adgroup again and within 10 minutes my working ads were getting impressions again.

is it possible the adgroup or keywords have been marked for manual ad review like what happens in yahoo?

it myt b off due to checking by adwords team,may b the wud need to check those ads before allowing it to run.its just my wild thought, hope it helps
They are unbelievably slow these days, and recently said this in an inquiry I had about a similar experience:

We're unable to guarantee a timeline for any improvement to your Quality Scores should you make any changes to your ads or landing pages. AdWords retrieves and evaluates advertiser ads and landing pages on a regular basis, but it may take weeks or months for the system to re-evaluate your ads or pages.

Yes, he said weeks or months. Pretty amazing.
Same thing happen to me. I let them sit for about a week and a half and 0 impressions yet it was active. I deleted the ads, created the exact same ads again and they started showing.

Try that.
That happened to me last week, for some adult keywords. It took 2 days before my ads recieved any impressions.
I had a campaign that was getting 2 cent clicks and about 27k+ clicks per day stopped last week.

Trying to get that revived again. Creating a new account will not rectify this as I would have to pay initial high bid prices again. TY Goog. Keep it classy.
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