Advices on how to submit a website to DMOZ!

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New member
Aug 12, 2008
[FONT=&quot]I would like raise this question to help other people to get their website listed in DMOZ! If you have something to say if you have any advices to share with us just do this in this post![/FONT]

First of all, use correct English on your submission to DMOZ.

Second, follow their rules. Submit to the right category, fill out the application correctly, don't submit an incomplete site, don't submit a site that's only aff links... You get the idea.

Then, be patient. They are understaffed and very picky.

Nagging won't help. It might hurt. The good news is there are tons of other ways to get links, so don't let dmoz worry you too much.
[FONT=&quot]I would like raise this question to help other people to get their website listed in DMOZ! If you have something to say if you have any advices to share with us just do this in this post![/FONT]
Best way is to buy an expiring domain already on dmoz and put your site on it.

I was able to get a couple sites listed 7 or 8 years ago but have found it near impossible since then.

I suspect the editors in certain categories already own a site listed in that category and refuse to add competitor sites. I've heard the 'overworked editor' story before but don't buy it - how long can it take to look over a couple site submissions each week and click yah or nay?

I've also applied to be a editor in categories where they have openings and hear nothing back. Guess you have to know someone on the inside...

Dmoz corrupt? Here's an interesting story...
I saw a job posting the other day on Elance... people posting saying only an editor of dmoz bid, get my site listed I will pay... I saw one that paid 200 dollars for a listing in dmoz from posting on elance.. that is if your rich
Don't make more then 2 submissions at a time, to avoid the appearance of spamming. Pick your two most important categories, then submit them. Wait like 3 weeks to see if your listing was accepted, if not contact the editor and tell the editor that you have resubmitted your site, also tell him the original date of submission, the URL of your site and why you feel that your site deserves to be included.
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