Adviced and Guidence Needed

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Sit On My Face
Jun 26, 2006
Hey Guys,

This post may come out to be quite long so bare with me.
Right now I am towards the end of my first semester at college.
Currently I am in the School of Engineering as a CS Major, I do not enjoy it all and already plan to change major to economics... if I stay.
See the thing is I do not like college much at all, I would much rather work right now. My parents understand the fact that college is not for everyone and have let me know they are fine if I do not go back I just will have to get a job.

It would be no problem for me to get a job, I already have several waiting for me back home.

Now to the hard part, I have made a deal with myself that if I can make around $2,500 a month online by May 1st it will finalize my decision to not come back. I have been making money for a long time now just not that much. I have already started busting my ass to try to increase my earnings by leaps and bounds. I just really hate the fact that I will be shunned by most all by the fact that I 'dropped' out of college.

I am not to sure the point of this advice but I was just wondering if any of you had advice on what to do in terms of life and in terms of how to be making that money in 169 days.


Fuck what others might think.

If you stay in school and never amount to much, people will say, "I don't know... all those years in college... at least he tried." If you become successful, they'll say, "If he had only gotten that PhD., he'd have gone so much farther..."

If you quit and fail, they'll all point and laugh. If you quit and succeed, it'll fucking amaze everyone. As if it's some sort of miracle you can even wipe your own ass after not completing college.

All that matters is that you make the right decision for you. (and, if you feel some need to please your parents)

I won't even attempt to give advice on achieving your goal of $2500 a month but, if you're already earning some money, keep doing what you're doing, but on a larger scale.

You already know the answer to the question you asked, you're just looking for validation. That really comes from within. Trust your gut.
Fuck college!! After wasting 4.5 years @ one, the best advice I can give is DON'T GO unless you plan on become a professional (lawyer, doctor, CPA). If you don't need the degree, don't waste your money on one.
springer I like that post a lot, I think you are really onto something there with me just looking for validation.

haha yours to barman that makes a lot of sense too.
I have a buddy who owned a landscaping company, went and got his masters from Cornell and is now running the same company, wasted 4 years where he could have expanded and is now $85k in debt.
Work really fuckin hard and don't waste your time and money on shitty ebooks
Haha Ebooks...
Take it from me E-
I went to college for two years Majoring in Mathematics.
Worked my balls off at some job for while... then I picked up this shit...
I told myself that when I could make the same amount I made at the shitty job I would quit and take this on full time.
Believe me, I had my doubts and cautions... but you know what?
I burnt that bitch down and started doing this.
Putting myself in the mindset that "If I can spend 9 hours a day working, and 2-3 hours working online... Why can't I just do it all day?"
With making that decision though comes sacrifices -
You can't bullshit with people on the phone all day...
Stay the fuck off messenger
Set schedules - Set GOALS
And work your fucking dick off, No one else is going to bust their cock for you..

Encouragement with profanity... gotta love it
Why don't you set yourself a goal that you actually have to work? That's not even $100 a day, anyone can scrape some keywords, throw together a campaign and make that in less than a week. If on the other hand you set yourself a goal that you actually have to work your ass off for, then you are not only more likely to succeed, you'll also make more than those meager $2,500.
Hey Guys,

This post may come out to be quite long so bare with me.
Right now I am towards the end of my first semester at college.
Currently I am in the School of Engineering as a CS Major, I do not enjoy it all and already plan to change major to economics... if I stay.
See the thing is I do not like college much at all, I would much rather work right now. My parents understand the fact that college is not for everyone and have let me know they are fine if I do not go back I just will have to get a job.

It would be no problem for me to get a job, I already have several waiting for me back home.

Now to the hard part, I have made a deal with myself that if I can make around $2,500 a month online by May 1st it will finalize my decision to not come back. I have been making money for a long time now just not that much. I have already started busting my ass to try to increase my earnings by leaps and bounds. I just really hate the fact that I will be shunned by most all by the fact that I 'dropped' out of college.

I am not to sure the point of this advice but I was just wondering if any of you had advice on what to do in terms of life and in terms of how to be making that money in 169 days.


I'm going through the exact same thing man. I wish I could offer more help to you, but I can't right now because I really don't know what I am even going to do yet. Here are the options I've come up with:

Option one:
Drop out of school focus full time on online marketing.
-no school work
-I enjoy online marketing
-entrepreneurs don't need degrees
-you can always go back to school
-take advantage of the market while it still allows new entrants

-my revenue might dry up one day (its a scary thought, and one that keeps me in school)
-you are solely responsible for your own future( this is a pro and a con, depending on how you are built)

Option two:
Stay in school, but have online marketing as my primary focus.
-get a degree (you know what they say "d's get degrees"
-earn some money while I'm in school
-stay fresh on whats happening with internet marketing

-school often requires that it be your sole focus
-falling behind in school causes stress
-you let group members down in team projects
-occasionally you dont have the time to overhaul your campaigns when they desperately need it, and time = money (loss and gains)

So far I consider myself following option 2 and it's pretty stressful. I hope this helps.

Anyone else feel free to add to the options and pro con lists.
for the cons for 'dropping out of school' in your post colts

- If your revenue dries up its up to you to find a different niche or a different technique in your working niche to make it work. It's not like as soon as one thing no longer works, you can no longer make money online. That's one of the points of building up your brand in the first place, so that you can actually have a good foundation for what the next thing is you may get into.

- if you're uncomfortable being responsible for your own future, then this really is not for you, and you may end up having a couple problems in other areas of life in the future. Besides, it's not as if you're all alone in online marketing if you don't want to be. You are open to develop relationships with other people who may, or may not, take part in your 'endeavors'. Again, it's not a single-door thing, this business, you have just as many options as you would out there (if not more).

This response is not directed at you in particular colts, I just felt that it would be good to answer the questions from my own perspective, for the general public who may be having the same questions.

For the op, I somewhat agree with springer. I think you know exactly what it is that you want to do, but you just want some reassurance from the rest of us. I say, if you're not interested in school at the moment, leave. Your life doesn't seem to be a happy/interesting one in that particular area. Do what you truly want to do. If working online is what you want to pursue, drop the bullshit and do it.
Colt -

To curb your concern about income drying up, if you stay on top of your game, you will be able to do new things. It's already part of the game, and has been for quite some time, that everything only works for so long, then it changes. Everyone has to constantly adapt. On top of that, if you are dedicated and you make some good money, you will then be able to do one thing that any successful person will do.


Thus curbs the issue of running out of money.

On top of that, saving in the right fashion, with a good high yield account, and compounding interest, you can help yourself as well. As they say, diversify, don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Tell yourself from day one that you will put 15% of ALL earnings into a savings account, then with that you can save, and use some to invest. Investments can give you lots of money, or take all your money, but it's good to do, and can be very financially rewarding.

All in all the more money you have, the more money you make. The more ventures you can fund, the more investments you can make, the more money you bring in.

I always look at it like this, and I know it might be impractical, but it helps me...

If you took $1,000,000 and threw it in a savings account, and added $3,000 a month to it, the interest alone on that would net you about $75k a year.

Savings is a low-risk (riskless?) investment. Try putting $3,000 a month into something high risk. Just do it, fuck the world. Ever seen 15-30% returns? Now imagine doing that with 100 g's. Investing is fun.

So, make money, work hard, don't ever waste your money on women.
My mentor once said "Many men will lose wealth by chasing women, but no man will lose women by chasing wealth."
Save, invest, work, be smart, save, invest.

You will always win if you do this. It's really that easy.
The only reason most of us aren't millionaires, us because we prevent ourselves from becoming millionaires. Not because it's impossible.
You guys are really helping me clear things up in my head.
I plan to work the rest of this year out but like colt has said the second option is so stressful because I know I need to do my school work but I am passionate about my online work.
I would not be to worried about things "drying" up because I already have plans to make many online investments with a buddy of mine who is doing very well back home.

I think many of you agree with my idea that life is about passion and right now in my life I feel no passion or drive at all for college. I think I just need to bust ass the next months and plan to leave school because I feel like if I go by a "if I am making $X" motto I will not be driven to accomplish it. Where as if I declare that I am leaving school I will know for real that I need to be making a living.
Keep the advice coming in with any ideas or whatever you may have becasue my head is a whirl right now.
Here's the thing. Passion is great and all, and I by all means advise that you go for it. But there's a strong possibility that you're not passionate about school because you haven't found that thing that piques your interest.

Let's also not forget - college is as much a social thing as it is an education. I mean... I can probably say for every 10 college friends I've got I've gotten 1 since. It's just the atmosphere. You drink with your boys, find some women, have some fun, etc etc etc. The whole nine yards.

Look, I know a lot of here are like "yay go work for yourself fuck everyone else" but there's some sound reasons to stay in school beyond just the fact that "it's what people do".

I can also tell you, if you want to own a large(r) business down the road, a college degree helps. It helps reassure bankers, it helps reassure investors, and it helps justify yourself to employees. Even Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates dropped out of HARVARD. Unless you're at Harvard or Stanford, most people won't care that you couldn't make it past BIO 213 from University of South Junkyard.

Anyways, I think it's awesome that you're trying to go full head in to your work, but I really think you should give college a full shot. At least 1 more year.
You're young. Go ahead and drop out. I quit my full time job over 2 years ago and I've got a wife and 3 kids to support. IF I don't make money, we don't pay the mortgage. You have no pressure whatsoever and I'm assuming you live at home. Take advantage of that. School is not going anywhere, you can always go back. I've got a university degree and it's a lovely piece of paper that hangs on my wall, but it has nothing to do with what I do daily.

You have very little repsonsibility right now in life and your goal is very low and very attainable. All these people telling you to stay in school are doing that because they don't know any different, they went to school, their parents went to school and it's just the way things are done in society. You go to school get a job and work for someone else. That's what school teaches you to do. If you want to be your own boss, you have to take risks. If one of the risks is not going back, then so be it.
I was in a similar position 5 years ago. I can blow through school like no one's business and choose whatever grades I want. I got out of high school and started college at a community college because I was too lazy in high school to worry about SATs or any of that shit. I was in for less than a semester and decided I was going to help my mom open her bakery (life long goal). I put together business plans and loan proposals, met with bankers, etc.. I was 19 years old, but my dad works 80 hours a week running his business and my mom hates people- so it was my responsibility. I got us 250,000 in financing from the bank, a lease on a brand new spot- dealt with everyone from contractors to the permit assholes at the city. This took 3 years. We opened up 2 days before Christmas in 05. Midway through March, we were on target to make a profit that month. One night, someone decides to walk through our parking lot blowing people's faces off with a shotgun and then stands in the middle of the boulevard and shoots at the cops as they pull up. This all happened right in the middle of our evening rush.

Needless to say, no one wanted to come back to our nice family shopping center for a very long time. We instantly lost 90% of our revenue. By the time we started to pick back up, we were completely out of money + an extra 30,000 in credit card debt. We closed our doors less than a year after we opened. Counting the loans, money we owed vendors, time left on the lease, etc. we were about a half million in debt. At 24 I'm filing bankruptcy and I'm at a much greater disadvantage in life than I was before we started.

Do I regret it? Fuck no. I got my ass back up on the horse and kept riding. With my credit blown to shit, no money, and 225 bucks a week unemployment as my only income, I went searching for my next business opportunity. I found affiliate marketing. Within one month, I was pulling about 3500 a month working a few hours a day. With all my free time, I signed up for school again, but this time, I took classes that I wanted to take and said fuck a degree.

Next thing I know, my bankruptcy attorney tells me to stop affiliate marketing and get a 9-5 job with an hourly wage or the bankruptcy won't go so smoothly. So I go find my ass a job as a programmer (I only had HTML experience, but I can kiss ass) and as shitty as the job is and as shitty as waking up at 5:00a.m. every day is- I get paid to learn several programming languages on the company's time.

Now I'm trying to build the affiliate marketing business back up, and it's tough as hell because I don't have 15 hours a day to spend tweaking campaigns or writing blogs and whathaveyou. And I can't quit my job because I don't have the income anymore. But I make the best of the 4 hours a night I have and things are slowly growing.

Like someone else said- unless you have a purpose, school can be a waste of time. If you're passionate about your major, or are getting a degree for a specific job (doctor, lawyer, etc) it is a good idea to go to school. Otherwise, you need to think about what YOU want out of life and how the fuck you're going to get it. I'm not a big 50 Cent Fan, but my ass decided to get rich or die trying. That is what gets me up at 5 in the morning to go to work and put on a smiley face, work for 8-10 hours, go to the gym, then come home and sit at my computer chugging along.

Make the best of whatever situation you're in and always be thinking of how you will surpass all your goals.

If you want to go to school, go to school- if you don't, then don't.
I know the comment wasnt directed at me. But I just want to clarify so I dont sound like a puss. I got in to affiliate marketing and online biz to take control of my own future, but there is always a chance it wont work out. I'm doing wicked right now, and adapting to changes thrown my way, but things can change. Having that piece of paper is an insurance policy for your future is all I'm saying.

With that said, I am seriously considering pulling the chute on school after this semester. I am torn right now with what to do.

for the cons for 'dropping out of school' in your post colts

- If your revenue dries up its up to you to find a different niche or a different technique in your working niche to make it work. It's not like as soon as one thing no longer works, you can no longer make money online. That's one of the points of building up your brand in the first place, so that you can actually have a good foundation for what the next thing is you may get into.

- if you're uncomfortable being responsible for your own future, then this really is not for you, and you may end up having a couple problems in other areas of life in the future. Besides, it's not as if you're all alone in online marketing if you don't want to be. You are open to develop relationships with other people who may, or may not, take part in your 'endeavors'. Again, it's not a single-door thing, this business, you have just as many options as you would out there (if not more).

This response is not directed at you in particular colts, I just felt that it would be good to answer the questions from my own perspective, for the general public who may be having the same questions.

For the op, I somewhat agree with springer. I think you know exactly what it is that you want to do, but you just want some reassurance from the rest of us. I say, if you're not interested in school at the moment, leave. Your life doesn't seem to be a happy/interesting one in that particular area. Do what you truly want to do. If working online is what you want to pursue, drop the bullshit and do it.
At the twilight of their life, many people look back over their achievements. Few regret what they've done but many regret what they have NOT done.

If, at 50 or 70 or even 90, you decide you'd like to go back to school, you can. At those same ages, will you be able to accomplish what you have planned now?
I can't give you advice one way or the other on school.
My advice. THINK BEFORE YOU MAKE A DECISION. Really think about it. Then, figure it out.

I dropped out of high school, made a whole list of shitty decisions with my life, and at one point I was living in my car. None of that "I slept in my car for 3 days" bullshit. I mean I literally lived in my car for fuck, 8 months?

I'm 22 now. I have bad credit, a few things on my record that won't do me any good, and no "education". Luckily, I am one in a million when it comes to me finally seeing what I need to do and straightening my life out. I am self educated with everything I know. But never plan on that, it takes a shitload of bad luck in life, and you have a better chance of winning the lottery than you do making horrible decisions and not ending up like everyone else. Dead, in jail, or an addict.
I now run my own business, and I'm constantly working on new things.

I guess my point is, make sure you know what you're doing before you do it. Because it only takes one small event to change the course of life drastically. I will be starting classes at a community college soon, but not really for a degree, just for the knowledge.
It took me nearly 5 years to begin to recover from the events that surfaced because of a bad decision I made years ago. I left school.

If you are going to do it, do it for the right reasons... Make SURE those are the real reasons you are doing it. Not because you want more free time or "freedom" socially, but because you have a better plan. Then follow through until you make it, and never rest until then...
stay in school and get your degree...

if your internet biz goes down the crapper in 5 or 10 years at least you'll have a degree to fall back on...

could also help if you grow your net biz big enough to attract venture capital investors... they tend to like to see useless things like college degrees...
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