Advice on starting an outsourcing development business

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New member
Jun 26, 2006
I run a few websites of my own – some content projects. Would like to move ahead.

I am in a situation when I have here (I reside in Eastern Europe) access to a pool of coders of different skills. And I am interested to start an outsourcing development business – to provide software development (including web applications/ websites) to other countries. It is not a secret that developers cost here cheaper.

It is my idea, but I am not sure how to find partners (I do not think I will be able to deal directly with the customer or am I wrong?) and set up contacts with those who reside in the countries I would like to target (Eastern Europe, Northern America).

Does anyone run a similar business? Where would you advise to start from?

Any help will be much appreciated.

I'm doing basically the same thing now. Previously, I had done all of the development/design myself. I then wanted to take on more work, so I went and found two freelancers. It was a bitch to find two reliable freelancers. I started them out with some basic stuff so I knew I could trust them. Now I just hire them whenever I need a site done for a client.

In my opinion, you can still deal directly with the customer. I have a form which I send to the customer, and have them fill out every field. It just basically asks what they want, sites they like, etc etc. I then just give the data from that form to my workers and they develop the sites accordingly. I haven't had a problem yet.

I guess if I were you, I'd start out by looking for freelancers. Make sure they have a solid portfolio, and can provide some references.
The fact is that I have the freelancers you talk about. The question is how to spot partners or direct customers who reside overseas.
Ah ok, my fault.

I don't know if I can be of too much help then. 95% of the clients I have had had been from the US. I've done work for two clients who resided in the UK, and I got those jobs when I was just starting out by bidding on them on
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