Advice on selling profitable network of sites

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New member
Jun 12, 2007
I have recently ran into a situation where I will no longer be able to maintain a small network of profitable sites I own. These sites point to one affiliate offer and has been for the last year. All of these sites earn totally on organic traffic.

The average profit from these sites monthly is $1500 to $2000. What would be a good price for these sites. Also how would I sell these without giving away my keywords/niches and method of obtaining leads to people not really interested in buying.

Without much information it's hard to tell, I would estimate your network could go for $18,000-$22,000 maybe $25,000 if everything is top notch and you find the right buyer.

As to answer your other question just PM me your niche, network you are using, offer, site url's, and all the converting keywords I should be able to help you from there.
hahaha @CShoemaker

This is when it's good to know people in the industry. If you've got good connections, try shopping it around privately first. Then I would say go to sitepoint and list it in the premium sites section. You might want to give the general niche, HOW MUCH traffic you get, how long you've gotten it, how long you expect to sustain it...

Then say that for any interested in more detailed information, you are taking a TEMPORARY payment of $10. You'll give it back to them after 2 days or something. That should weed out a lot of idiots. Obviously don't give all your keywords even then, but go for a much more detailed overview.
posted by popeye:
... how would I sell these without giving away my keywords/niches and method of obtaining leads to people not really interested in buying.

You won't be able to sell without giving away the niches ... the only person who would buy a site from you unseen is a person who trusts you implicitly, which would presumably be reciprocated, thereby eliminating the need for paranoia.

So -- you'll have to cough up the domain names at some point, and from there a determined douchebag will be able to find out which campaigns of yours are doing well enough to be sustained. This won't tell him which ones are converting, but it's info.

And ... a determined douchebag could do this regardless of whether or not he gets the domains from you. He might just coincidentally be in the same niche, or looking to enter it, and found you in the sponsored links at Google.

Trying to develop a foolproof aegis against this kind of behaviour is futile. You don't have to give up campaign specifics to get a sale; in the dollar range at which you're looking you're going to be able to weed out the non-serious pretty quickly. No one needs to see those campaigns -- certify the results as a condition of the sale and tell anyone who expects to see the campaigns (or even the kw) as a condition of sale to piss up a rope.

As far as value goes, with that kind of profit level I'd lean towards the high end of CS' estimate. If the profits have been sustained for a while eg. if you could document that level of net profit over 8-9 months or more that value would go way up -- in fact if these are mid- to long-term sustained results I'd like to have a look at it myself.

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