Advice on My Ghetto SEO Plan


Expert Gambling Writer
Oct 30, 2010
I don't really know jack shit about SEO, and I'm looking to start learning because even though I'm making okay money, I don't want to be writing content for the rest of my life. I did some reading for a day or two, and now I'm starting to do some shit so I don't just end up reading for weeks without actually acting.

As you can probably guess from my obnoxious signature, I'm going to try to work with an affiliate program inside of the online gambling industry. I'm starting small with a very specific niche so that I don't get buttfucked in the ass while I'm working on learning how this shit works. I'm on a little bit of a budget so some of this is probably ghetto.

Here's a quick outline of the general idea of what I'm doing. I'd just like advice about whether or not I'm going to fuck up in some terrible way with this approach.

The Main Site (lol wordpress)
-- A static set of pages that detail the sites I'm trying to get people to sign up to; this is along with a contact us, about us, problem gambling, cover your own ass by knowing your laws, etc., pages
-- New posts 2-3 times each week that detail news or promotions for one of the sites that I'm targeting that link to that site's review page with pretty pictures and whatever else, these target specific keyword phrases

Web 2.0s
-- I'm building a list of web 2.0 sites with unique content I found with the wayback machine, anywhere from 2-3 to 5-6 posts/week
-- They have a fake identity/email/etc built for each of them that is used to fill out the profiles and all of that shit that go with the web 2.0 sites
-- The idea is to link these to the main site several weeks in after they are established

-- Twitter account linked to the main site, posts a link for every post made on the main site automatically etc
-- Gain followers by following people about 100 or so at a time and then unfollowing them a few days later because a lot of them follow you back
-- Use hootsuite to automatically schedule a bunch of regular posts with gambling sayings and dumb blurbs and funny shit I make up myself to get people interacting with my Twitter account

I'd post boobs, but I don't know if they are allowed in this section of the forum. I'll probably make a big NSFW post with all kinds of fat chicks and beef curtains for my 1500th post, so just look at that instead.

I'd post boobs, but I don't know if they are allowed in this section of the forum.

Best to err on the side of boobs.

Anyway, I'm very familiar with your industry. Less now than before UIGEA, but I bet not much has changed (since I abandoned the industry several years after UIGEA), and I look in from time to time or check up with old friends.

I'm leaving soon, so I'll say the most important things as fast as I can.

Unless you're in the club, you'll get dogged. I've been in the club. I've been out of the club. When all the money in the world was flying around, that was still true.

Going forward, If you like to write about gambling, provide unique content to others and build your own authorship and social profile. Provide content for a little less, in exchange for authorship. Build yourself a site, and make it about you. Link back to it from articles you do for others. Become an authority. Eventually, you can make yourself an ad broker, authority writer (including FB and twitter), and someone people listen to.

I would not start "traditional SEO" in that industry today, surely not targeting US audiences.

If you're writing content for people, use that to fast-track yourself as an authority.

Start thinking about how to use that authority in other markets until the US market comes back. (maybe 2 years, optimistically, but I guarantee there is a plan for it.)
Best to err on the side of boobs.

Anyway, I'm very familiar with your industry. Less now than before UIGEA, but I bet not much has changed (since I abandoned the industry several years after UIGEA), and I look in from time to time or check up with old friends.

I'm leaving soon, so I'll say the most important things as fast as I can.

Unless you're in the club, you'll get dogged. I've been in the club. I've been out of the club. When all the money in the world was flying around, that was still true.

Going forward, If you like to write about gambling, provide unique content to others and build your own authorship and social profile. Provide content for a little less, in exchange for authorship. Build yourself a site, and make it about you. Link back to it from articles you do for others. Become an authority. Eventually, you can make yourself an ad broker, authority writer (including FB and twitter), and someone people listen to.

I would not start "traditional SEO" in that industry today, surely not targeting US audiences.

If you're writing content for people, use that to fast-track yourself as an authority.

Start thinking about how to use that authority in other markets until the US market comes back. (maybe 2 years, optimistically, but I guarantee there is a plan for it.)
Building myself as an authority is something that I've been focusing on for a while, and while it's still a work in progress, I'm getting there. Also, fuck Bill Frist while we're at it.

You have to do the obligatory PMing of the Grindstone first.

Once done, you will find your answer here.
I'm amazed that his inbox isn't full.
Best to err on the side of boobs.

Anyway, I'm very familiar with your industry. Less now than before UIGEA, but I bet not much has changed (since I abandoned the industry several years after UIGEA), and I look in from time to time or check up with old friends.

I'm leaving soon, so I'll say the most important things as fast as I can.

Unless you're in the club, you'll get dogged. I've been in the club. I've been out of the club. When all the money in the world was flying around, that was still true.

Going forward, If you like to write about gambling, provide unique content to others and build your own authorship and social profile. Provide content for a little less, in exchange for authorship. Build yourself a site, and make it about you. Link back to it from articles you do for others. Become an authority. Eventually, you can make yourself an ad broker, authority writer (including FB and twitter), and someone people listen to.

I would not start "traditional SEO" in that industry today, surely not targeting US audiences.

If you're writing content for people, use that to fast-track yourself as an authority.

Start thinking about how to use that authority in other markets until the US market comes back. (maybe 2 years, optimistically, but I guarantee there is a plan for it.)
Talked with another few people who also suggested not trying to get into this particular industry and going for something else, so I might go the route of not being a stubborn dickhead for once.
99% of my "SEO" strategy revolves around content and how it is structured. Headlines, bullet points, interpage links, outbound authority links, pdf downloads of articles, read Blind Ape Seo: Blind Ape SEO – The path of the ape (emps blog) - I really like the innerpage link wheel/summary posts. I wish I had the mind to sit down and write articles.
Talked with another few people who also suggested not trying to get into this particular industry and going for something else, so I might go the route of not being a stubborn dickhead for once.

Good idea. While I mostly abandoned that as an industry, I still keep my old sites live.

I fully believe the big american players wanted/needed to clear the market because they couldn't compete on a global stage. Otherwise, they would have legalized it instead. They teamed up with some useful puppets.

That industry will come back in america. The how and when are up in the air. I think a reasonable case can be made for you to continue devoting some resources to that possibility. But you would be unfair to yourself by making that your big marketing experiment in 2014. In 2003, go for it. In 2014, there are too many things working against you that are beyond your control, and you don't want to blow your load on it.

At the least, failure takes time and energy (and emotion for some people). Maybe keep one foot in the grave, and one foot someplace where your chances of success have much less dependence on legislators, and such ilk.
You might want to look at binary options in that case. Not too far from your original topic and (I think) a bit more US friendly.