Advice on business directory for wordpress


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Hi guys,

I'm paying someone to build me a portal city site through wordpress. I was looking for some advice:

1. I'm debating between listing some businesses for free in a bunch of categories and having other businesses pay me to be listed, or instead having a scraper pull all businesses and fill up the entire directory and then have businesses pay to be upgraded with featured ads etc.

2 Does anyone know of any business directory plugins for wordpress where I can use a yellow page scraper to import the businesses into the directory? My web designers want to install "Business Directory for Wordpress", but I was unsure if I could even import data.

3. Does anyone know of any wordpress plugin related directories where it allows for businesses to pay for upgrades etc?

Thanks for all your help.


Bean, not to shoot down your company you went with because I do not know what their knowledgeable with, but if they can not answer these questions for you, you may want to look into a more reliable company. My company works with dozens of different companies a month and if I couldn't answer a question a client has, I research it because I am being paid to be an expert in this. If they can not answer your question, do you really have confidence they will produce a quality website for you? Not to mention any company should be able to develop a custom database plugin for you in a few hours max. I just created a whole custom user database plugin for one of my clients last month in about 3-4 hours only.

Unless you're outsourcing to an Indian company for like $12.00 an hour, really put some thought into "If I am paying a professional to do this for me, why can't they tell me what plugin I should be using? Isn't this what I am paying them for".
Business Directory For Wordpress sucks and I believe the developer has stopped working on it (as of 3-4 months ago, situation might have changed). Some of the code geniuses around here could probably integrate it with wfreview or a .csv to post plugin, or Ubot or some shit, but otherwise, it's only set up for info to be entered by either the admin or the business owner. And entries are not editable after entry, the documentation suggests deleting and starting over. WTF?

#2, yeah WFReview or MyReviewPlugin will handle this easily.

#3 Premium Placement plugin will do this when released but I don't know the status, I also saw another one in the SBT forum but can't remember the name.

As stated above, you shouldn't be paying someone shit that can't figure this out for you, that's why you're paying them.

Good luck bro.
Thanks guys for the honest feedback. At least I didn't get flamed (I think that's the term you all guys use). Thank you also for the suggestions on what to use. I freakin' love this forum.
