Advice on a Campaign

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Rise And Grind!
Apr 6, 2008
If anyone has any tips or advice for me that would be great.

Campaign info: I am running an e-mail submit campaign on Yahoo. I know, e-mail submits are not the best... but I wanted to take action and do something then do nothing. I will try and be detailed as much as possible.


-I have 14 adgroups in my campaign. All adgroups have 2-5 keywords in each.
-I paused about 7 adgroups because they were not converting or they were getting very few impressions and 0 clicks.
-I have one keyword that is bringing in the most conversions and the most clicks. Today(1/7/09), I have 80 clicks, while other words are getting 5-15 clicks.
-My main keyword, I have 3 active ads. All ads have a QS of 5.
-My Average CPC is .22
-My main keyword gets around 7,000 impressions and roughly 100 clicks.
-My budget is $30 daily and I usually get that spent by 3-5pm EST time.

Adgroups CTR:
-My main adgroup CTR is: 1.36
-Others are: .41; 1.11; .41; 1.63; 1.13; .75 ; 1.45

Notes: I've been running this campaign since Jan. 3rd. All other adgroups have a QS of 3. One adgroup has two ads with a QS of 4 and 5. As I type this, I realize I need to gather more keywords as 70 keywords just won't cut it. I also am raising the daily budget to $50.00 to test it out.


-I am currently using one network, but I am signed with many others. I am waiting for a response from ClickBooth as I hear they have decent email submits.
-I am split testing two offers.

Jan. 3rd :
-Offer #1 gets 37 clicks and 5 leads.
-Offer #2 gets 31 clicks and 0 leads.
(So 0 clicks? I thought they were scrubbing me so I changed the offer)

Jan. 4th:
-Offer #1 gets 54 clicks and 8 leads.
-Offer #2(new offer) gets 56 clicks and 8 leads.

Jan. 5th:
-Offer #1 gets 46 clicks and 5 leads.
-Offer #2 gets 59 clicks and 14 leads.
(Only 5 leads.. so i try a new offer)

Jan. 6th:
-Offer #1(new offer) gets 54 clicks and 7 leads.
-Offer #2 gets 49 clicks and 7 leads.

Jan. 7th:
-Offer #1 gets 50 clicks and 2 leads.
-Offer #2 gets 51 clicks and 9 leads.
(As of today, 2:00 pm EST time)

Notes: Maybe it was a mistake changing the #1 offer from Jan. 5th to Jan. 6th. But the offer is basically the same, just added something else to the offer and its a different offer page. One pays out $1.15 and another is $1.10.

-I did ask for a pay increase. They said they will try but the most they can do is a few cents. I said anything would be great. My AM is still trying to get a pay increase.

Landing Page

I can't really go into too much detail on the landing page.

-I am split testing the offers to see which one is best and which one is scrubbing the least.
-I did add something to my landing page, related to the offer. I added it on Jan. 4th. By looking at the stats... it may have lifted my conversions?
-I just changed the colors on my landing page. I was kind of using dark colors, I changed to bright colors today.
-I have 5 pages on my website to become more friendly with yahoo or google in the future.

I think that is pretty much it. As I read this, it might be too much information. If you read this, thank you... might be a tad too long. What I am going to do is test and add new things to my landing page. Make new ads, and add more keywords. I believe I need more volume. My question is:

1) Should I still keep pushing and try to make this campaign profitable? Is it not worth it?
2) Anything I am doing wrong?
3) I know yahoo, msn, and google are different... maybe I should try testing my campaign on other PPC platforms?
4) What keyword tools do you use that is most helpful? I use WordTracker atm. Any suggestions?


Maybe I was too detailed? haha

Another thing, most of the time Ill lose half of my budget. If I put my budget at $30 I get between $15-$20 in leads. If I use $50 as my budget, I get between $20-$30 in leads.

Welcomed to advice through PM also
With a set of data that small, don't look at it as "day 1" day 2", etc. Lump the days together, do what's converting best.
If it's too close for you to be comfortable making that call, then just weight the split test so the better campaign gets more traffic, but the other can redeem itself.
xmcp, when you say with a set of data that small are you referring to the entire campaign, number of days, or just amount of clicks?
xmcp, when you say with a set of data that small are you referring to the entire campaign, number of days, or just amount of clicks?
I'm saying it appears like when you're looking at your data, you're looking at it one day at a time(that's how it's laid out above). I'm saying it may be easier to get the tests performing better looking at it in weeks or months at a time.

I wish I could give more, but email/zip submits provide so little room to move.
I'm saying it appears like when you're looking at your data, you're looking at it one day at a time(that's how it's laid out above). I'm saying it may be easier to get the tests performing better looking at it in weeks or months at a time.

I wish I could give more, but email/zip submits provide so little room to move.

I agree. Hopefully in a week I can take a look at it even further. Hopefully I won't lose too much at the end of the week, hopefully under $100-150. I think I found my offer out of the 3 I was testing. Hopefully I can find another one better then this at ClickBooth. But looking at the data... I think I may need more keywords to get more volume, or is that volume pretty solid for now?
As the others have said, there really isn't enough clicks to make any educated decision from. It does seem that for every day that passes, your conversion rate is decreasing, but that is somewhat hard to accurately state, since they are only a couple leads apart. If the numbers were in the hundreds, then it would be easier to see any scrubbing, but in your case I can't say for sure that it's a case of scrubbing.

But let us assume that you are getting scrubbed, which does occur on many submits within 24-48 hours since conversions started occurring. So what you need to do is switch in a different submit every 12 hours. Have 10 submits at hand, and keep them all a rotation. This way, if you are getting scrubbed, your minimizing the scrubbing happening with your conversions.

Also, it would be helpful to share your poll page CTR, since if you optimize just that, you'll already see a boast.

Either way, if you want me to look into it deeper, shoot me a PM and I'll be glad to help you out.

One thing that stuck out to me was the $0.22 CPC you've got. Since your offers are paying out between $1 and $1.10, you really need to convert 1 in 4 to avoid losing money, which is a significant amount.

Try lowering your average bid by $0.01 every other day for a few weeks. If you get your average CPC down below $0.15 you're more likely to see a profit.
One thing that stuck out to me was the $0.22 CPC you've got. Since your offers are paying out between $1 and $1.10, you really need to convert 1 in 4 to avoid losing money, which is a significant amount.

Try lowering your average bid by $0.01 every other day for a few weeks. If you get your average CPC down below $0.15 you're more likely to see a profit.

Thanks for the replies, I appreciate it.

Should I be lowering the bid by .01 on all keywords, or just the main keywords that are converting?
Personally, I would see what is converting for you and try finding a higher paying offer for that niche. Email submits IMO aren't worth the trouble.

But don't let me dissuade you, you'll learn quickly enough that what doesn't work for one person might work for you.
Personally, I would see what is converting for you and try finding a higher paying offer for that niche. Email submits IMO aren't worth the trouble.

But don't let me dissuade you, you'll learn quickly enough that what doesn't work for one person might work for you.

I agree that they aren't worth it, but I really have no clue where else to start. I don't want to keep reading everyday and do nothing. I figure I should do something then nothing and TRY to learn a thing or two out of this. I am currently testing 3 offers atm. Two of them are higher then the original offer that I have stuck with. Hopefully there isn't too much scrubbing with these two new offers.
I agree that they aren't worth it, but I really have no clue where else to start. I don't want to keep reading everyday and do nothing. I figure I should do something then nothing and TRY to learn a thing or two out of this. I am currently testing 3 offers atm. Two of them are higher then the original offer that I have stuck with. Hopefully there isn't too much scrubbing with these two new offers.

awesome dude, I'm not dissing what you're doing, that's better than a lot of people do. And you're right, just get out there and do something.
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