Advice for a new credit repair business?


Oct 10, 2013
New York, NY
Credit repair is incredibly profitable and far easier to scale than my other businesses, as far as I can tell. So my partner and I started one. We've been servicing clients that have found us through Google (organic), Yelp, CL, et al. Things are working well and the margins are stupid good, but these channels seem very slow for this type of business. Unless I'm just ignorant of keywords that convert, organic doesn't seem to be the goldmine it is for other service industries.

I can't help but notice that Lexington Law and some other big players are making literally hundreds of millions from switch & bait stuff that seems to be mostly affiliate - lots of loan sites that deny you and transfer you for cred. repair, etc.

We can pay out more than the big guys (at least $150 per signup). Our service is legitimate and does work a surprising amount of the time (low dispute rate too). Our CS is really good. We really want to make this work.

But affiliate is not my shit. I'm lost. Anyone in this industry that might bestow some knowledge? My other businesses do about 5m/year collectively so I'm happy to trade useful info with anyone that can actually help me.

Food for thought- I've began scraping RE agent emails and had a little luck so far. Have to wonder how many thousands of these agents I'd need to actually show much of a profit from their referrals though. Some of them have lenders that deal with bad credit clients that I have to compete with, and those guys obviously pay out way more on a conversion.