Advertise on Imagefly - 6700 uniques PER DAY!!

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Affiliate Padawan
Jun 24, 2006
Rating - 0%
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Advertise on the Imagefly hosting server. The site has a PR3 with an Alexa ranking ~ 10,000 (currently 9909).

Traffic details (image pages, does not include the main site):
6,700 uniques/day
35,000 pageviews/day is a free image hosting service. We call ourselves "Better than Free" because we pay our members to host their images with us.
We do not allow any nudity and all images are manually reviewed.

We are selling the following ad spaces:
1 header text link - $40/mo
6 footer text links - $20/mo each
1 footer 468x60 banner - $75/mo
1 footer 150x50 banner with text link underneath - $50/mo

What would your ad look like?
Take a look at a sample page:
Header text link - On the top right where "Free Message Board Hosting" is currently
Footer text links - On one line above "Contact Us" and below the banners
Footer banner - On the left bottom inside the grey area, replaces current 468x60 banner
Footer banner with text link - Replaces BuddyTV banner and link

Why so cheap?
If you calculate the eCPM for your advertising it is very very low. Since this is our first month offering direct advertising we want to keep prices low to attract new advertisers.

If you sign up, you will be guaranteed this initial rate for 6 months of continuous advertising. What this means is that if you are happy with your first month we will honor your rate should you choose to renew for the next 5 months(you can still pay month to month). After that, we will renegotiate pricing. If you stop your campaign for a month and want to renew later, you may not be able to do so at the current rate if prices have gone up. Of course, long term advertising relationships are valued and will be taken into consideration.

PM me to sign up or if you have any questions.

Only 4 footer links left.

Just a note, we do not delete images unless they violate our TOS. That means that your link appears on 27224 pages (as of right now), viewed on average 35,000 times a day and the number only grows as more images are uploaded.

Don't miss this opportunity.
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