Advanced PHP/cURL techniques

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New member
Dec 18, 2006
After repeat attempts at making a script that automatically logs in to myspace, I found a script that works:
Login To My MySpace Account Via PHP Script?! (View Single Post)

I still want to know how he figured out which HTTP headers to inject and how he figured out using collect.myspace instead of login.myspace.

Is it just trial and error or is there a process? PHP/cURL gurus help me out.

He went a little overboard with the headers. cURL will write the headers he manually wrote for you.
The only thing is that I have no idea how he figured out to inject the HTTP headers. I tried it without the header injection and it doesn't work.

I'm using ethereal and it's not showing the same headers on a successfull login. Did this guy use trial and error, or am I missing something?
The only thing is that I have no idea how he figured out to inject the HTTP headers. I tried it without the header injection and it doesn't work.

I'm using ethereal and it's not showing the same headers on a successfull login. Did this guy use trial and error, or am I missing something?

Myspace recently started doing HTTPS logins, so in ethereal the login traffic will be encrypted and you can't see the critical POST values. If you use FireFox, and the Live HTTP Headers plugin, you can see them. Live HTTP Headers can access them before they are encrypted.
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