AdValiant still owes me money and don't know what to do! Please HELP!

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New member
Mar 13, 2007
Hi Everyone,

I haven't been able to get my commissions for September and it is Nov. 21 already. According to my affiliate manager a cheque was sent to me on Oct. 10 for my September earnings but it never arrived.

Now, I am currently overseas so I asked my affiliate manager to please re-send a new cheque for all the money they owe me for both September and October to my Dad's address in the U.S. as I am currently on holidays overseas and it seems that sending a cheque to Australia is hopeless anyway and I wouldn't be able to cash it as I am not there at the moment!

And all this drama just because you refuse to pay via any other means (Wire, Paypal, ePassPorte... NOTHING ELSE)

Could ANYONE from AdValiant PLEASE help me... I just want to finally get paid!!!!!!!


P.S.: It's been 2 days since I emailed my affiliate manager and I haven't received a reply yet... I just want to get my money... thanks!

Sending a cheque to Australia is fine, I've never had a single cheque lost in the mail from anyone. My suggestion is to go down to Australia Post, pickup a PO Box for a few dollars a month and then have your mum/brother/girlfriend pickup the cheques and bank them. Note that the banks are a bitch about company names on cheques, especially the Commonwealth Bank. Also if the cheque is on the larger side (as low as $4,500) the banks will sometimes also put a hold on the cheque for up to 30 days and make you sign some wanky crap.
I am overseas at the moment. I won't be back in Australia until next year. One way or another (I don't know if you read my post) but the cheque was supposedly sent on Oct. 10 and it NEVER arrived.

What I proposed to them is to send the cheque again to a U.S. address while I am overseas so I can cash it here. Or they can either wire or paypal me the money. I don't care. The reality of the situation is that I have been waiting for more than a month to receive my money and haven't received a reply from AdValiant.

I NEVER had any issues in the past with cheques coming from the U.S. either, except for the fact that it takes up to 2 weeks to receive them. This is the first time I have a cheque lost in the mail.

Now, can someone from AdValiant help me. Is there anyone from AdValiant on this forum. All I want is just for you to re-issue my cheque for my Sept. and Oct. earnings and send it to where I am at the moment as I won't be able to get it in Australia as I am not there.

The option of having a friend or a relative cash it doesn't work I already tried it with another cheque in $US in the past (with ANZ) and they wouldn't allow my friend to deposit it in my account because they needed me in person with ID and signature.

Hi Gibster,

Did you get my response to your email yesterday? I asked our accounting department to re-send your payment. I believe they had contacted you earlier today. If you prefer, please send to me your wire info and I'll set up a transfer.

Richard Okolo | Affiliate Manager | Advaliant
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I have PMed you both: LukeAdvaliant and Makemoney. Looking forward to getting paid and having this issue resolved ASAP.

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