Adtech London 2013

Thanks for reminding me, just signed up. Hope to meet some WF peeps :)
Adtech London isn't real. It's just a fake conference set up to trick our women so we can party.
Adtech London isn't real. It's just a fake conference set up to trick our women so we can party.


I'll be there. There's normally a crappy afterparty down the road on the first day, and hopefully there'll be an A4D party, there normally is, that one's good. Have you been? Your name rings a bell.
Hi, been here for a while (after finding my way from the typical guru/indian forums) and needless to say I've been lurking here like an insatiable sponge ever since..

I will spare the obligatory introduction, other than to say that what I lack in technical expertise I more than make up for with my commercial experience. In a previous life I worked for a small electronics firm on a web project and needless to say I've been hooked ever since!

Anyway, since I'm not so far away and Adtech crossed my radar (I do hope it's not just a ploy to mislead your women..!) I figured it would be a good opportunity to scope the industry out and network.

So, on that note, I would love to hear from anybody who fancies a coffee/beer/chat with somebody who would like a frank discussion (or a fresh perspective.) I hope to hear from you soon, Jon.
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Just a quick note to say it was great to meet you guys today.

I may be a bit green to have got a lot from the various seminars and stalls on offer (as we established!) but I will say I feel infinitely more fired up now I've seen with my eyes that this IS a tangible industry and people ARE making some serious cash :D

Joe, I've just read your braindump post again and now having a peek at BlueHatSEO.. Very best of luck with your projects - and - slight side note but I didn't have you down as a toker!!

I went to Adtech once. The highlights were someone in a Google Doubleclick seminar asking if they can run ClickBank hop links.

The best and worst highlight though was a gorgeous curly haired, olive skinned, suited-bird, who I got chatting to when buying coffee.

We were having a nice chat and a laugh and then suddenly, out of the blue, she came over all filthy and flirted with so much innuendo I was completely taken aback. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I went all tongue tied, became incapable of speech and pretty much left. I'll never forgot that.

If only I wasn't an internet nerd, she'd have been walking like a cowboy the next day.