Adsense Rates Falling .. .. .. ..

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
North East PA
Has anyone else noticed a fall in their Adsense earnings?

Maybe its just me, but I have seen a major drop in the last couple of days of what I am being paid per click. I cant remember the last time I was getting 0.0X clicks, but in the past couple of days I have seen many.

My average is anywhere from 0.50 to 2.00 a click.

This drop is across the board, not just one site.

Anyone else experiencing anything similar?

This sounds like a simple case of Google's "smart-pricing" kicking in. Did you just add any content that Google might not think to be of the highest quality? If so, get it off there fast, and replace it with something good.

The sooner you react to a smart-pricing, the quicker you can get back on track.

Happens to me all the time.

BTW, if you don't remove the offending content, you'll soon see your rankings drop like a stone too.
Last week I turned my miva traffic back on to one of my sites and it sent a supposed 70 people one night with one click. After that my prices went in to the shitter. I'm hoping it will jump back up this week. My arbitrage prices are down, but my other sites are up. This probably doesn't help a whole lot.
Nahh, I really have not done anything significant to any of the sites. About the only thing ive done to any of them recently "the past few days" is ad some links that I traded with other sites.
i've seen my daily eCPM fluctuate +/- 25% the past month or two. i don't get too caught up in daily earnings anymore as it tends to average out to a certain level.
hell my average and click volume has gone up bigtime in the last 3 or 4 days. like a high xx increase from adsense. not that 3 or 4 days makes a trend or anything.
Ive been reading up allot on SmartPricing and may try a few different things.

Ive heard that smartpricing is reviwed on a weekly basis and that by removing ads from a page that isnt converting well you may see a change within a weeks time.

I may just dump adsense for awhile, replace most of the adsense ads on my sites with YPN. in a few weeks time start placing adsense ads again cautiously. Its allot of work, but id like to see what happens
jerxs, I have heard people say that doing this kills there google serps. not sure how true but enough buzz that i will not try it. I have success with my yahoo sites in google but they were built with yahoo already
Man, this is really starting to fucking hurt! Its been about 4 days now and I have not seen a click for more than $0.20.

This shit has me so pissed that it has motivated me to prospect other types of revenue bearing activities. So if things work out maybe one day I will look back on this shit and thank Google, but untill then!

Fuck You Google!

Worseless Edit (I hope you do die adsense!)
Man, this is really starting to fucking hurt! Its been about 4 days now and I have not seen a click for more than $0.20.

This shit has me so pissed that it has motivated me to prospect other types of revenue bearing activities. So if things work out maybe one day I will look back on this shit and thank Google, but untill then!

Fuck You Google!

Worseless Edit (I hope you do die adsense!)

That sounds like the making of a bad ass e-book. I can't wait.

Seriously though, I had the same thing happen to me so I set up another adsense account under my wife's name and moved all my b.s. sites over to there. I also removed my adsense id off of DP (don't know if this helped or not). I left just my arbitrage sites in my account and after like 4 days my clicks were back to where they should be. You might try that out. Smartpricing definitely affects your whole account, so it might only be 1 or 2 of your sites fucking you over.

The other thing you might try is to just pull your adsense ads for a day or 2 and put affliate banners, clicksor, ebay ads or whatever up. Then put adsense back on and see if the smartpricing resets itself. They are supposed to reevaluate accounts every week.

Gook luck!:drinkup:
I made some changes and am waiting for that "one week eval.."

I was thinking about doing what you mentioned, but I believe Google tracks IP's, something like that would come back and bite me in the ass. No doubt!

I just hate getting fucked, you know! There is no reason for this shit, Im sure google will still be getting X amount of $'s for the clicks that they are screwing me on. Im sure they dont smart price from an advertisers perspective or maybe im wrong who knows.

Ill continue to use adsense no doubt, but am looking forward to earning money through other forms of affiliate marketing.
I agree. The worst part about it is you know they aren't crediting the advertisers that money.

I was worried about the IP's too, but my wife and I are 2 different people and we don't click each other's ads, so hopefully there will not be an issue. Their TOS state that each person is allowed one account and says nothing about who can log in to who's account. I would probably push the legalities of it if they tried to ban us.
When you notice that all of the sites on your account has their adsense rates dropping out of nowhere, where everything except for that is normal, there is a very good chance that you've been smartpriced. When this happens, it's the entire account, not one site.

Generally, they'll lift the smartpriced flag after a month or two, so it's not permanent. Never happened to me so I can't say for sure.
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