Adsense on New Authority Site


New member
Nov 20, 2006
Three sites that were previously ranking well were hit by Panda many months ago due to BMR and over optimization of anchor text. All of these sites have adsense on them.

We are almost finished building out a large money site (400+ pages) and part of our monetization strategy will be adsense however my concern is that adding the same adsense id as the previously penalized domains may pollute this site in some way (lower rankings, penalty, ban).

The adsense account is still in good standing so I really don't want to create a new account. Anyone have any advice on the best approach?


Either create a new account under someone else's name.


Don't worry about it. Were any other sites hit on that adsense account that didn't have BMR / over op? Probably not.
Why would your new site be hurt in rankings?. Remember that Google makes money from your site too, and there's no reason to worry about it in my opinion, as long as you follow their guidelines. I have adsense in tanked sites, and I use the very same account in new sites and I haven't noted a single difference. In my experience, there's not a relation.
As much as I would like to think that Google wants more money from publishers so they will be lenient and won't crack down the opposite seems to be playing out all over the web. Google has routinely been conservative when it comes to protecting their users.

My adwords and adsense accounts are also tied together as well through my gmail account (Google's mark of the beast). I know that most responses here will be conjecture and theories however I was hoping for someone that has direct experience with penalized domains with adsense that created new sites with the same adsense id.
As much as I would like to think that Google wants more money from publishers so they will be lenient and won't crack down the opposite seems to be playing out all over the web. Google has routinely been conservative when it comes to protecting their users.

My adwords and adsense accounts are also tied together as well through my gmail account (Google's mark of the beast). I know that most responses here will be conjecture and theories however I was hoping for someone that has direct experience with penalized domains with adsense that created new sites with the same adsense id.

Over and over and over and over and over.

They've gotten even more schizophrenic lately. Lost a bunch of sites with out even passing a $ threshold.

They 100% absolutely for sure tie penalties / flags / what ever you want to call it to adsense ids and kill the shit out of perfectly nice brand new sites.