Adsense...Making The Most Of It

Domain Invester
Aug 2, 2009
Ok well just asking about adsense ads since I dont see any up to date post about it. Growing a small mortgage site that is getting about 100-150 direct type ins a day (per google analysis) and the adsense on avg for the past 2 weeks is about $7 a day.

The site really has little content but I got a new template already built and content written for the site coming soon. I have CJ banners ready to play with once the new template goes live.

Question is how do I make the best use of the adsense? Right now the site has 4 adsense units per page and looks crowded. How many is to many and what is a good avg for 1 site to make in the mortgage niche, or any niche for that matter.

Just dont want the new site to look so spammy but still make money

you could be collecting leads and making 10-20x as much. Depends on how good the quiality is, but adsense is not really the way to go for a mortgage site.
you could be collecting leads and making 10-20x as much. Depends on how good the quiality is, but adsense is not really the way to go for a mortgage site.

Collecting leads how? Please advise as im not a mortgage expert, just building out a site with traffic
Adsense is what you use when you don't know how to target your traffic.

In this case you know EXACTLY what you have coming. And since they are type ins they are coming in willfully.

As said before, you really need to be collecting emails for mortgage leads or at least do your best to funnel them into a zip submit.

There are some that allow you to include the zip on page, find those.
Collecting leads how? Please advise as im not a mortgage expert, just building out a site with traffic

Greetings fellow God-fearing citizens of America. On this blessed day I have chosen to share with you some unfortunate news. The domain world is a little behind-the-times regarding monetization.

It makes sense, domainers are concerned with growing their portfolio and making some cash out of them with turn-key systems like domain parking. This forum is generally the opposite. We are extremely concerned with monetizing traffic but rarely invest in our businesses enough to acquire or create long-term valuable assets.

gdubs is suggesting you take a look at which advertisers are being placed on your site with ppc links, which advertisers are a good match for your traffic, and why advertisers are paying for those links. For mortgage sites, the answer is inevitably mortgage leads. If you aren't sure what a lead is, it's a sale term that translates in online advertising as someone who has put in their name and contact information in a form. Since mortgage issuers have a vested interest in selling as many mortgages as possible, they will pay for leads for potential borrowers. Some businesses have sprung up with the sole intention of advertising to reach those borrowers, and pass the business on to mortgage issuers. Those businesses are who you can sell your leads to.

So, if you are willing to work on learning a bit about lead generation, you can build your own page to collect the data and sell it yourself. This cuts out several middle men in the value chain of your pay-per-click arrangement.

May God bless you and May God bless these United States of America.
If your running a mortgage site , only have 1 adsense ad . Yup to earn more ecpm .

Also use aweber to collect emails , give away some sepcial free mortgage report and make more $

I make about 5$-10$ a month per subscriber , depends on your quality paid subsribers are the most profittable subscribers so maybe sell them some 1$ report first . Up to you really.
Thanx all for the info...Like i said the page is beign rebuilt so will keep all this in far as collecting leads I really have nothing to give them for signing up unless I look at a service that gives out shit...Will need to seek out :)
For sure, try and make affiliate money with those leads, but I always think it is a good idea to stick a large square Adsense unit on there as well. You have to remember that many visitors are simply window shoppers and ideally you want to make some money out of any international visitors that would not qualify as leads. Gotta love those click rates as well - just saw that "mortgage refinancing" has an average CPC of £21.46 ($32.57).
as far as collecting leads I really have nothing to give them for signing up unless I look at a service that gives out shit...Will need to seek out :)

SIGN UP NOW. Holy fucking shit I have the best fucking mortgage deals on the fucking planet. You'd be a fucking retard not to give me your email. I will personally come and fuck your mother in the face if you don't give me your fucking info you fucking America hating terrorist piece of shit.
Something like that.
SIGN UP NOW. Holy fucking shit I have the best fucking mortgage deals on the fucking planet. You'd be a fucking retard not to give me your email. I will personally come and fuck your mother in the face if you don't give me your fucking info you fucking America hating terrorist piece of shit.
Something like that.

Hmmm that may work :action-smiley-052: