Adsense For Domains Open To All

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Good news, I've been wanting to do my own parking thingy for a while, this will make it a lot easier.

Shame it's just for the yanks at the mo:

The product will be initially rolled out in phases to English-language AdSense publishers located in North America
This shit is going to rock for int'l domaining! Finally if you have non english domains you can get more than porn, pharma and casino ads. Wow! Domaining is wonderful. About 2 days ago I logged into an account I rarely check. I got an $11.93 click - from a domain I swore I let drop. All told this year it's brought a 300% return - not bad ;)
This shit is going to rock for int'l domaining! Finally if you have non english domains you can get more than porn, pharma and casino ads. Wow! Domaining is wonderful. About 2 days ago I logged into an account I rarely check. I got an $11.93 click - from a domain I swore I let drop. All told this year it's brought a 300% return - not bad ;)

Not bad..
Frankly, I don't see this as being a good thing.
You know what I see this as? Google doing a Walmart.
They'll move in and offer a marginally better deal, and because of that, a lot of the competition is going to die, and they will end up being the dominant player.
As it is, Google stopped being warm and fuzzy a long time ago. They're up to "creepy" now, and will probably move into "downright sinister" in a few years time.

Anyway, domainers will feel great about how awesome this extra payout is, until Google starts doing some BS "Your URL doesn't meet our quality standards and we are dropping your payout / dropping your domain from the program". With little to no other viable competition for PPC parking, they'll be the only game in town, massively enriching themselves at the expense of others.

Now, admittedly a lot of this is the fault of parking companies that make shit landers, and hoard more of the money for themselves, but it's still not a good place to be in the longterm.

That's my $0.02 on it anyway.

Glowleaf: If it were anyone but Google, I'd say make a proxy account...
Frankly, I don't see this as being a good thing.
You know what I see this as? Google doing a Walmart.
They'll move in and offer a marginally better deal, and because of that, a lot of the competition is going to die, and they will end up being the dominant player.
As it is, Google stopped being warm and fuzzy a long time ago. They're up to "creepy" now, and will probably move into "downright sinister" in a few years time.

Anyway, domainers will feel great about how awesome this extra payout is, until Google starts doing some BS "Your URL doesn't meet our quality standards and we are dropping your payout / dropping your domain from the program". With little to no other viable competition for PPC parking, they'll be the only game in town, massively enriching themselves at the expense of others.

Now, admittedly a lot of this is the fault of parking companies that make shit landers, and hoard more of the money for themselves, but it's still not a good place to be in the longterm.

That's my $0.02 on it anyway.

Glowleaf: If it were anyone but Google, I'd say make a proxy account...

Agreed, they're getting out of hand. And it's probably way too late for any type of viable competition to develop...
Glowleaf: If it were anyone but Google, I'd say make a proxy account...

Are you kidding me? I still have a dedicated manual reviewer from Google who goes through my everythings every month. No way.
Next month I am putting those up:

RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^74\.125\.74\.83$
RewriteRule .* [R,L]
but I wonder what this means in terms of how much visibility we can actively give our properties by this:

....May not promote sites displaying ads through unsolicited mass emails or unwanted advertisements on third-party websites (what about one's opt in list?)

Site and Ad Behavior Sites showing Google ads should be easy for users to navigate and should not contain excessive pop-ups.

  • Publishers may not use online advertising to drive traffic to pages participating in AdSense for domains.
  • Publishers may not deceptively drive traffic to pages participating in AdSense for domains.
  • Sites participating in AdSense for domains may not be framed or displayed on other sites.
  • Redirects are prohibited. We reserve the right to remove either redirecting or redirected sites from the AdSense for domains network.
  • Sites participating in AdSense for domains may not be placed in pop-ups or pop-unders.
  • Sites participating in AdSense for domains may not contain pop-ups or pop-unders that interfere with site navigation, change user preferences, or initiate downloads
  • Webpages participating in AdSense for domains may not be loaded by any software that can trigger pop-ups, redirect users to unwanted websites, modify browser settings, or otherwise interfere with site navigation. It is your responsibility to ensure that no ad network or affiliate uses such methods to direct traffic to pages that contain your AdSense code.
Adsense for domains sucks for two main reasons: you have to use your own DNS server, and there's no contact or for-sale option on the landing page. Additional suckage: you can't customize the page title or any of the other text on the lander, and the keyword hints don't seem to do much of anything. For laughs I put my best-performing domain from sedo on AFD and have so far been underwhelmed.

There's little incentive to use AFD as it's basically a poorly designed featureless MFA anybody could put together on shared hosting, compared to the real parking services with sales tools, traffic stats, and (more importantly) let you just point domains at their nameservers.
Adsense for domains sucks for two main reasons: you have to use your own DNS server, and there's no contact or for-sale option on the landing page. Additional suckage: you can't customize the page title or any of the other text on the lander, and the keyword hints don't seem to do much of anything. For laughs I put my best-performing domain from sedo on AFD and have so far been underwhelmed.

There's little incentive to use AFD as it's basically a poorly designed featureless MFA anybody could put together on shared hosting, compared to the real parking services with sales tools, traffic stats, and (more importantly) let you just point domains at their nameservers.

I can't agree with you more. Hit the nail right on the head mate.

Adsense for Domains is just dumb. Its not like Google Domains at all, meaning, they have the same strict and stupid rules that Adsense has, so arbitrage is tough. When you lack the flexibility of domain feeds you can pretty much kiss your revenue goodbye, especially these days with SEO being a much more important factor in domaining.

See, with a feed, you get control and much lax rules. You can cut up your feed and turn it into something that looks similar to Adsense ads, but without the strict rules. Plus you can meld it into your content, and you have full control over the pages of the domains. Meaning you can add lots of useful and unique content, SEO the shit outta the page, get ranked well, and when someone clicks on one of the paid links, not only do you make a lot of cash per click, but the advertiser gets a user with some real value, not just some clicky retard who was mildly interested in the site because they lost their way searching for the domain they originally wanted.

This whole idea is just dumb. Get rid of it. It sucks for advertisers too. Poor quality. Sucks for publishers as "fraud" is going to be rampant on this pretty fucking quickly so your rules are going to get tougher and you'll probably get a lot of clicks charged back anyway.
I see your point. I don't particularly like the idea of giving Google control over the design of the domain. If they did a good job, maybe I would reconsider, but the design is rather crappy and as you say Jon you have just about zero control over the SEO of the page.

Thanks for your insight.

Adsense for Domains - a big fat FAIL!!!!
What is the point if everything you need to do to get real people in front of it is somehow a violation of their selectively enforces TOS?

And how will they use this program to lower the quality score on your account effectively lowering the payout on your other sites?

I quit trusting anything Google a long while back. Google is just doing this to push out legit small business.

Google is the new evil empire using money to buy up everything and crush all their competition. While smart business it doesn't really bode well for the small business person.
this reminds me, i really need to do more automation with my wordpress deployments. i have several servers, I'm retarded for parking anything with sedo that I dont want to sell
You don't want any of us to click on the ads do you?:xmas-smiley-016:
I just put an unused domain on it , just cuz it wasn't doing anything to begin with if you wana get an idea what google does to it look wise.

But I wouldn't use it with any intention of being a big hit from the looks of things.
I also dont like the idea of giving the big G a list of my domains and having them do whatever they want with that info.

Maybe they will crosscheck the list now or in the future to see if any crosslink. Devalue those links cause they know its the same domain holder.

Ok thats my tin foil hat rant of the week.
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