ADS4 commission reporting- new platform -where is it?

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New member
Jan 15, 2008
This is all I get
"Choose Reporting Period:
There are no monthend reports available at this time"

I have no idea when payouts for April were/are made.

I used to be on a weekly, but found the am's so unresponsive that I switched most of my traffic over to other networks that actually got back to me about certain things.

Under the old DT system it was easy to see commission reports, but under the new platform I am either blind, or it is not being shown to my aff id.

i checked out what you are talking about in my account and didn't see any way around it.

i'm sure they are working on it. there are bound to be some hiccups moving to a new system.
Pshhh we don't pay people. That's all a facade.

Honestly we're changing how all the reconciling of the backend of the system is working. to accommodate monthly, bi-monthly, weekly etc so you'll se an amount that reconciles with your actual bank statement wire or check. Coming to a report near you soon. If you have any questions feel free to call me or aim me all my info is right there when you login. :D
I know you guys are good for payments, I was just trying to figure out where the commission statement was and when a regular monthly payment is made. One question got answered, but I'm hoping to find out when cash made in early April gets paid out as I don't see a payment schedule either :)
Ah sorry I'll get that up. Money made in April was paid a little after the 15th of May. If you didn't get your check please pm me and I'm sure we can hunt down the issues.
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