Ads in an xml

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New member
Sep 1, 2006
I'm experimenting with writing an arbitrage page in XML, and I'm trying to put the Yahoo ads code in my XSL file. It validates fine, it works fine in Internet Explorer, but when I try to load it in Mozilla it hangs indefinitely and never loads the page.

Here's the code for the problem part:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
ctxt_ad_partner = "##########";
ctxt_ad_section = "#####";
ctxt_ad_bg = "";
ctxt_ad_width = 728;
ctxt_ad_height = 90;
ctxt_ad_bc = "FFFFFF";
ctxt_ad_cc = "FFFFFF";
ctxt_ad_lc = "0000FF";
ctxt_ad_tc = "000000";
ctxt_ad_uc = "FF7700";
// -->
<script language="JavaScript" src="">

I've narrowed it down by trial-and-error to find that it's this part:

<script language="JavaScript" src="">

that's causing the problem. If I take that out, it loads fine (but of course the ads don't work).

Anybody know how I can dress that up to make it load correctly?

That doesn't fix it.

I found one supposed solution to the problems with the way that doctype is parsed, using conditional comments.

However, conditional comments are a huge headache in XSLT and I haven't figured out how to combine these two hacks into something that works.

This is such a colossal waste of time... how the hell can XML/XSLT not just plain work with the most common ads on the web?
Now I've almost got it working. If I take out the <!-- and // --> from the ad code, it works just fine. I don't imagine those are necessary, but I don't want to technically have modified code... now to find a way to make IE not choke on them.
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