Adopting image of "the rich guy"


New member
Aug 13, 2012
Most of my friends (and people my age) are poor students.
This has been leading to quite some problems.

For example, I'm getting used to invite some friends for beers, and I find myself quickly as the guy who pays everything..
(and harm relationships with friends that I have since childhood).

I think a big mistake I made back then was spending money on a fancy car, so everybody knew I was well off.
I found that there is a thin line between enjoying his money and being some "rich guy" douche who has to prove his wealth all the time.

I heard a lot of celebrities even went broke because of that.
They have to prove their wealth ALL THE TIME, ultimately leading to exorbitant spending.
Spending XX on YY might sound CRAZY to you, but once you did it your tolerance is fucked up, and there you go then.

From what I just wrote you must think this is me:

Well, I think it's quite normal that bad spending habbits can happen when you are young.
However I want to grow up regardint this topic.
But the only solution I see is living like a poor bum consequently, which might suck and I probably won't do it for too long.

Did you guys go through similar bullshit?

Simple - cut off your "friends". The truth is, they are holding you back and nothing positive can come from interacting with them. I've been in a similar situation many times.

If you aren't man enough to pay for your own drinks or are too broke to afford it, then why the fuck did you come out? Keep your broke ass home, like I used to when I had $0. I don't buy anyone drinks unless I either really like them (and even then only 1 or 2 times) or I'm getting something from them. Period.
Stop giving a fuck what other people think.

Hard to do when you're young. Easier as you mature.

EDIT: What I don't understand is that how as 'marketers' all you assholes fall for each others pitches.

The car industry spends millions and millions of dollars each year to make you think that fancy car = success. Its bullshit and all you do is try to satisfy your ego when you could have spent far less for essentially the same thing.
Do whatever makes you happy.

I've always been a cheap bastard when it comes to stuff like expensive cars (a decent safe car that takes me from point A to point B is enough) but on the other hand, I spend shitloads of money on quality food and things that help me stay healthy.

Since you're the one making the cashola, it makes sense to invest in yourself and get/stay in shape.

I'm a nutrition/fitness maniac, so that's just my perspective.

Again, do whatever makes you happy.

Oh and if you think your friends expect you to "prove" your wealth, then there are two possibilities:

1) maybe your perception is fucked up and your friends don't actually expect you to prove your wealth

2) you need new friends
EDIT: What I don't understand is that how as 'marketers' all you assholes fall for each others pitches.

The car industry spends millions and millions of dollars each year to make you think that fancy car = success. Its bullshit and all you do is try to satisfy your ego when you could have spent far less for essentially the same thing.

There's a thin line between being bitter and persuading yourself that you don't need that car, or that you honestly don't want the car ;)
if it's the latter then I have great respect for your emotionless discipline.
Simple - cut off your "friends". The truth is, they are holding you back and nothing positive can come from interacting with them. I've been in a similar situation many times.
I think pewep is quite intelligent actually.

If you aren't man enough to pay for your own drinks or are too broke to afford it, then why the fuck did you come out? Keep your broke ass home, like I used to when I had $0. I don't buy anyone drinks unless I either really like them (and even then only 1 or 2 times) or I'm getting something from them. Period.

Yes, but with that attitude you will be foreveralone.jpg after a while.
Most people can't afford the shit that I'm doing and at some point you either have to invite or to adapt to them. So at the end it might be me alone at the bar looking at peasants and not inviting them (metaphoric)
If you go out for drinks, only bring enough money to buy yourself a couple and leave your wallet at home. The "friends" that you're so eager to keep will eventually get the message when you stop buying them drinks, and if they still speak to you afterwards then problem solved.
It is interesting what happens as one person in a groups starts becoming wealthier than others, seems to divide people into three groups, those who resent your wealth, those who try and bum things from you, and the much smaller third group, your real friends, who are just happy to see you succeed.

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Stop trying to impress people and be secure in the fact that you're a winner without other people's approval.

You're better than this OP. Or maybe you're not. Read The Fountainhead. If the book changes you, then you probably are. If it doesn't you probably get what you deserve and will be broke someday.
Well don't party with peasants then?

Sure, once I met people who were not peasants, they were 55+ and probably homopedos.

Simple - cut off your "friends". The truth is, they are holding you back and nothing positive can come from interacting with them. I've been in a similar situation many times.

What pewep said... I have done the same in the past. I think only one of my current friends knew me before my mid-20's.

Have you tried to find some like minded local people that are not old? Where do you live? Have you been to an Affiliate Summit, Ad Tech, Meetup202, Affiliate Summit Meetup, or anything similar? You could possibly even find some local people here on WickedFire.

Remember the “Average of Five” rule. You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with. I know there are some exceptions, but it often seems true for many people.
Shut up and pay for everyone, or don't invite people for beers.

It's normal to pay in turns, "this time me next time you", because that's what friends are for.

Of course if someone never has money then don't ask them out more often than once a year for your birthday.
Since I'm 20, most of my friends are broke students but I do not run into this problem at all. Either they find a way to pay for themselves. And when they can't afford it, they are open about that and we do something cheaper.

You should find friends who are self reliant and who are not leaches.
If you feel that you friends resent your money (not real friends) or you can't do anything you want because they don't have money then either find another social circle to do that stuff with or just wait it out until your friends graduate and get jobs.

In my social circle it took everyone until 22-23 before they all had money to do shit, like go on holidays together regularly etc.