AdJuice.. Stiffed me $2K


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Not going to cry about it b/c I'm sure most of you got screwed for more, but was running a debt consolidation campaign with them last month and even had the network verify the quality of leads next day. Comes down a month later and they didn't convert them so now they're stiffing me. Really messed up. Network is in the process of fighting it now, but I've talked to other networks about it and they're having the exact same issue.

Not going to cry about it b/c I'm sure most of you got screwed for more, but was running a debt consolidation campaign with them last month and even had the network verify the quality of leads next day. Comes down a month later and they didn't convert them so now they're stiffing me. Really messed up. Network is in the process of fighting it now, but I've talked to other networks about it and they're having the exact same issue.
Tell me about it.

I've had a network tell me: More more more! A day before payment is due: The quality of the leads is shit.. sorry they're not paying us so we're not paying you. Not much you can do about it since it's in their T&C.
And the advertisers know how to play coy, especially with the debt deals. They want the leads to back out to paid clients. Not your fault they didn't convert, your job was to generate a qualified lead. And networks if need be, will always hide behind their T&C's...reputable network would pay you though.
Is it just me or does it seem like more-and-more people are coming to WF just to bitch? They lurk around and only start posting once shit hits the fan. I'm not the most avid poster here, but at least I don't come around just to say 'network XYZ fucked me'.

I'm sorry you got screwed bud, but if it was me I'd try to work it out with the network before posting a thread. This just adds to the fire. Also I agree with this 100%:

Step 1 to finding a reputable network, go with a network that YOU ALREADY KNOW ABOUT.

WTF is adjuice?
I'm not the most avid poster here, but at least I don't come around just to say 'network XYZ fucked me'.

hey moron - that's one of the things this forum is great for. if you get fucked by a network and can't work it out with them, post it to WF and magically network taking your calls again.

please go back to not posting much. thanks.
That's what you get for working with a network with little credibility.

Who said that this was the network's fault? They never said they weren't paying up for AdJuice's fuck up. I'm just notifying everyone about the situation and how its occurring w/ MULTIPLE networks so don't be surprised if they fuck you too
And the advertisers know how to play coy, especially with the debt deals. They want the leads to back out to paid clients. Not your fault they didn't convert, your job was to generate a qualified lead. And networks if need be, will always hide behind their T&C's...reputable network would pay you though.
the dilemma of affiliate marketing;

advertisers, if possible, want nothing more than straight CPS
affiliates, if possible, want nothing more than 1-click pre-popped CPA's

advertiser -> CPS means ROI. whatever tricks an affiliate or whoever ends up pulling, you pay after you got paid. straight forward, low risk, sure ROI.

affiliate -> CPS = more effort, rather than largely autopilot income from CPA. they do this, but the moment a CPA version of a CPS offer comes out, they ditch the CPS advertiser in the blink of an eye.


advertiser -> CPA means highly unpredictable results. results may end up in you getting sued. or worse. CPA works for some people (people who earn as soon as a form was filled in. hence an industry shift to rebills/scams/grants/near-criminal-offers) but to most advertisers it's just extremely unreliable, unpredictable, and not very usable in a for-profit campaign. branding/name collecting works.

affiliate -> CPA means buckwild cash day and night. who the fuck cares about the advertiser? as long as his compliance description matches your trafficvance bot settings you're good to go. fire 'em up and grab those leads!



hey moron - that's one of the things this forum is great for. if you get fucked by a network and can't work it out with them, post it to WF and magically network taking your calls again.

This. I know I've been had by a couple networks in the past that I outed. If they can't pay me who's to say they wont pay someone else. Best to stick to companies like copeac and azoogle to avoid these kinds of problems.

About 6 month ago, I was running an offer on copeac and they stiffed them. Copeac paid me anyway. Now thats a network.
I know the CEO of the company that bought AdJuice I'll forward this thread to him. He's a stand up guy.
Another network no one knows about screws another person no one knows.

Cool story bro.
adJuice eh, well if the leads don't fit...

I'm sure they're out on the golf course looking for the real killer^W^W payment.