ADHD Does Not Exist

It's amazing how different their belief systems are - good and borderline potato. This is actually pretty cool. It's interesting that by simply having different beliefs about even somewhat physical things, you can see such a drastic affect on human behavior / change.
ADHD = children resisting the stronger and stronger attempts of school systems to mold them into obedient, mindless busy bees.

Yeah - you don't have ADHD because you don't like to type numbers into spreadsheets 40 hours a week. You can't focus because its a fucking shitty boring-ass job that they expect you to do for X years in a small cubicle. And healthy brain telling you that it's boring.
If it was a minor violation or a perceived violation due to vague terms, you should be fine. Had this a couple of years back, explained what I was doing and everything turned out fine. If you have an account rep, it goes smoother.

If this is your first time violating anything, just say it was a small mistake. There are so many advertisers with different terms, just say you got them mixed up.
I was going to delete the above post due to it being in the wrong thread. But I think I'll just leave it instead. ADHD does exist.
I always assumed it was just one of those imaginary "diseases" made up for people who want to use it as an excuse. I mean, does ANYONE actually enjoy sitting in a classroom for 3 hours staring at a blackboard listening to a teacher speak in a monotone voice about a subject that has been irrelevant for years? Does ANYONE really enjoy sitting at a desk doing spreadsheets for 12 hours a day just to make $40k a year? I always got the impression that people were just using "ADHD" as an excuse to explain why they wouldn't just suck it up and do the work.

I have a very short attention span, I'm extremely impatient, and I detest the idea of waiting. I don't know if I have "ADHD" or not, and I don't really give a shit because if I have mundane work to do for my business, I just suck it up and do it.
tltr version: he mad

You know I used to think that most mental conditions are BS. I felt that for things like depression, OCD, bipolar etc is just a matter of perspective. That we all go through emotional fluctuations...and that people that call themselves depressed and take drugs are just people that like being victims.

Naturally I thought the same thing about things like ADHD. That some children just do not conform with the standards of society and they are labeled ADHD and given drugs so they can behave like good automatons and produce.

...then my daughter was born.

My daughter is almost 5 now.

You see my daughter was never a "normal" kid by society's definitions. She was always behind in things even though I can tell she is smart.

When she was 1 years old when she got frustrated she would hit her head on the floor or walls. Of course like a concerned parent we asked her Dr. He said that it's normal for her age and that she will grow out of it.

Time passed.

She walked a bit later than most kids, but whatever.

1.5 years, still head banging. Started playing with her poop about 3 times a girlfriend started calling it poop art because she would draw with it. No matter what we tried she would find a way to undo her diaper and smear it everywhere (reverse zippers, tight clothing, checking on her constantly, reprimanding etc)

2 years old. She is behind in speech, she can say words but not like anyone else. Poop art continues. Head banding continues. Never plays with her toys like normal, she just bangs them. Also notice that she will take all her toys and put them around her making a nest.

3 years old. Poop art has stopped, refuses to potty train, speech is still delayed compared to most kids, never stands still, never plays with a single toy more than 30 seconds, still hits her head on things, runs into people on purpose to tackle them, she is having issues with "simple" things like putting a shirt on. Grinds her teeth almost constantly

3.5 years old. She is mad because she has to dress herself, proceeds to break window with her head and face.

Final straw, maybe there is something wrong with her...

Get her evaluated, speech, psychology, physical.

Behind emotionally and physically, scores in low 5%, behind 1 year in abilities for most things. Speech she is borderline, some things she is OK, others she is not.

Gets diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. Do research on's a nerve this BS? Do research, every document that describes SPD issues she fits perfectly. It's like the questionnaires were modeled for her.

Here is the list...
____ My child has difficulty being toilet trained.
____ My child is overly sensitive to stimulation, overreacts to or does not like touch, noise, smells, etc.
____ My child is unaware of being touched/bumped unless done with extreme force/intensity.
____ My child has difficulty learning and/or avoids performing fine motor tasks such as using crayons and fasteners on clothing.
____ My child seems unsure how to move his/her body in space, is clumsy and awkward.
____ My child has difficulty learning new motor tasks.
____ My child is in constant motion.
____ My child gets in everyone else's space and/or touches everything around him.
____ My child has difficulty making friends (overly aggressive or passive/ withdrawn).
____ My child is intense, demanding or hard to calm and has difficulty with transitions.
____ My child has sudden mood changes and temper tantrums that are unexpected.
____ My child seems weak, slumps when sitting/standing; prefers sedentary activities.
____ It is hard to understand my child's speech.
____ My child does not seem to understand verbal instructions.

The answer was yes to everything except "my child seems weak" Due to her constant motion and running she is really strong.

SPD has no drug prescriptions. It's all about sensory input for your nerves. Only solution is to provide nervous input.

I thought to myself "Well at least it can't hurt, no drugs involved."

Occupational therapy begins along with Family therapy (note this is talked about your French study article). See very slow progress but things are still fucked.

However we start to understand better how SPD works and how we can help her.

The simple truth is this. Her nerves need more input. What feels like a push to you and me is a slight touch on her. This is why she liked running into people. She needs input and the longer she does not get it the more fucked up it gets for her and her mood swings become ridiculous.

When we think of senses we think of things like auditory, verbal, taste reality there are a few more, spinning is one, so is swinging.

We have a swing in our house, when she got older we bought a bigger swing. We also spin her on desk chairs....sometimes she needs to spin 20 times left to right and right to left...other times it's 15 minutes straight. She let's us know when she had enough.

Now you might know all kids have temper tantrums or might have issues with speech etc. I agree...

but can you spin your kid 40 times in one direction and she does not get dizzy? Can you spin her 150 times while she is eating an apple or reading a book...because it calms her down enough to actually read a book?

Does your kid feel minimal pain?

In a way she is like a super hero.

But she has weaknesses.

Sure I can spin her 150 times and she is OK....but she is behind in all her fine motor skills. A 4 year old can cut paper with no daughter....let's say we have practiced a lot.

It amazes me sometimes than she can be bouncing off the walls and once she start swinging she calms down and is ready to fall asleep.

Shit is hard though.

Sometimes she needs tactile input while we are giving her some kind of other input and she gets really antsy. Other time she gets overstimulated and then all hell breaks lose.

She does not understand any of this, she is 4.5. She just wants to play.


But what about diet?

What if it's a diet issue? (also mentioned in your articles)

Let me tell you what we have tried (they all failed)
1. Could it be a sleep issue? Tried longer sleep times, shorter sleep times, more naps, less naps, sleeping at different times
2. Melatonin starting from 2mg to 10mg based on studies done with kids with ADHD
3. Fish oil supplements for 3 months
4. Gluten free for 4 months. This almost looked like it worked but after repetitive tests no major changes could be quantified. If there were any minor benefits telling a 4 year old she can't have cake while her friends are...good luck with that
5. Tested her mercury levels. Some studies say that high mercury in your blood can create ADHD, SPD etc
6. Sugar avoidance. She gets worse with lots of sugar...but most kids do. No sugar vs normal kid diet makes no difference. We try to avoid juice
7. Red dye avoidance and general additives
8. More protein

Keep in mind that we did this without her really understanding that it was taking place. Primarily I wanted to make this invisible to her. I did not and still do not want her to think that there is something wrong with her.


What if it's a punishment issue?

One of the thoughts we had was what if she is just spoiled?

We have tried

1. Diverting her attention
2. Bribing
3. I will count to 3, 1...2...3
4. Yelling
5. Spanking
6. Time outs in her room, corners, chairs
7. 4, 5, and 6 at the same time :(

Diverting works the best because of her short attention span...if verbal diversion does not work tickling usually does.

Here is the thing though she is constantly in motion, you can divert her attention for 30 seconds to 3 minutes max. After that her diversion no longer diverts her attention. So she will do something else she is not supposed to.

Now most people have pretty specific rules...our rules on the other hand have been decreasing because if we enforced proper house rules she would be in time-out the whole day tied up on her bed.

Our rules are:
1. Don't hit people
2. No spitting
3. Don't climb too high on things
4. Don't throw things
5. Don't hit your head on the floor, walls, use your fist

...that's it.


But guess what....those 5 things are broken once every 2-5 minutes.

We experimented with different rule sets. Having more rules just made us more frustrated.


Throughout all these ordeals we have discovered some things that help about 50% of the time...however since she is so active that means you can get at most 10-15 minutes with no issues.

At this point her sensory issues are being dealt with...but another issue surfaced.

Her attention span is horrible. Initially I thought she had to mature with her sensory stuff dealt with for the most part and her attention would increase.

No such luck.

The more we became adept with dealing with her SPD the more obvious her attention span became.

So now 1.5 years later with knowing how we can help her she has too main issues
1. Communicating (she is better at understanding than she is expressing)
2. Attention span

Here is the interesting thing, because of her attention span she does not focus long enough to talk to people...which delays her speech...which also affects how she interacts with her peers.

In theory a kid cannot be diagnosed with ADHD until they are at least 6.

But let me tell you, my kid has ADHD....FOR SURE. before you say shit like ADHD does not exist make sure that

#1 You actually have children
#2 Talk to some people that their kids actually have problems to actually understand what the fuck you are rebuking. :321:
Jesus Christ wiredniko, this was obviously not an attack on your child.

Nor was it an attack on diabeetus patients...

Obviously your daughter has real problems, which have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the reason why a HUGE portion of american kids are routinely drugged.

If I were you I'd be seriously insulted by anyone who suggests your child has ADHD, which 99% of the planet understands is just attention loss + hyperactivity in kids, likely caused by our increasingly-info-overloaded society.

(Of course it's got far more to do with rejection of the propaganda machine, but most people still don't believe that exists.)

Seriously, allowing people to lable your child ADHD would be like labeling a double leg-amputee someone with poor toenail grooming habits.
Jesus Christ wiredniko, this was obviously not an attack on your child.

Obviously your daughter has real problems, which have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the reason why a HUGE portion of american kids are routinely drugged.

Heh. I got on my high horse for a minute.

It actually felt cathartic to bitch about it.

Just saying.

Oh, agreed. It was our last ditch effort to see if perhaps it worked. It did not. It actually made things worse because then she would self-harm more.
Have any of you 'adults' and by that I mean 25+ tried sitting through an hour long lecture at a university? I can't even muster the concentration for an hour of presentations at conventions. Yet, I do manage to earn a living and to read and learn enough to destroy any of these goody girls who have managed to sit still for 20+ years.

The modern kind of schooling is entirely unnatural for most.