Adengage PPC to

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
Did a trial run the other day using a porn site thru adengage direct to Well, my first attempt sucked hairy balls...

Porn site XXX to
Cost for 1 Day: $5
Uniques sent : 668
Free Sign ups gernerated:20
Cost per click:$0.01

I feel that although I sucked haory balls on this campaign, there is a lot of potential, I just need to find the right niche. Im going to try sending traffic direct to a Porn site with a pay per free membership (needs CC) and see how this goes.

If any one has any advice on this one, I would love some help.

BTW - WF fucking rocks, I have learnt a crap load, thanks heaps to Jon and Mods and Guides.

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make sure that the porn affiliate your sending to accepts traffic and signups from people outside the US, because ive looked at adengage and it sends a lot of non-us traffic - kinda like adbrite
Porn sites for the most part don't convert as well as mainstream. Spending only $5 really doesn't provide enough data to determine if it would be successful. You also have to remember that people are not searching for this so the conversion rates will be even lower.
these days adult conversions are just make sure you send the traffic to rev share signups.

I've dumped a few hundred into adengage for testing.....and its always been shit....but slightly better than adbrite.

good luck
Audit that traffic too, last time I tested adengage there was a shitload of international traffic and suspicious clicks.
Cheers for the info, it all makes sense.

Currently all my funds in are in Adwords, so Im low at the moment hense the $7 going into a lazy campaign with adengage, I know I should throw more money at it but I just dont have the spare cash....yet.

I'm contemplating about pursuing Adult seriously, so just testing the waters.
Dont listen to anyone who tells you theres no money to be made in adult. You can make money. I'm halfway to a fulltime income from it, only doing 2-3 hours a day work. Try going niche - niche traffic, instead of general - general since most people searching for general terms aren't looking for anything specific and usually convert less.
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