Adding website to google webmaster tools - Yes or NO?

Not sure if serious, but anyway. Why? Do you need the joke-out-of-date-crappy-data they provide? if not, go build some links.

And there is no risk. If you are really paranoid and need to add it, place it on it own G account, not with other sites.
Not sure if serious, but anyway. Why? Do you need the joke-out-of-date-crappy-data they provide? if not, go build some links.

And there is no risk. If you are really paranoid and need to add it, place it on it own G account, not with other sites.

seohug when was the last time you actually used GWT?
I add my sites. I'm not doing really anything too sketchy or that other sites haven't been doing for a while. I've never had an issue. I visit mine fairly regularly. However, I would submit mine and never look at it again if only for the ability to submit the RSS feed to Google. It helps get all the pages indexed.
Keep separate accounts for each website and than there is no risk. Its usefull to see some basic data google keep about your website. You can sometimes spot some errors with GWT
GWT is already collecting data on all of your sites anyways. When you "add your site" to GWT all you're doing is verifying that you own the site so Google will give you access to the info that it already collects.

GWT doesn't wait till you add a site for it to start collecting data...
Just because you don't add a website to GWT it doesn't mean that you are "under the radar" and Google doesn't know anything about your site.

May as well access the info and use it to your needs.
seohug when was the last time you actually used GWT?

3 weeks ago. The searches, positions, links all dates back to at least a month. It's just useless, except for maybe messages if there are any. Otherwise, altough G got more data than they are showing there, you need to seek it elsewhere.
GWT is already collecting data on all of your sites anyways. When you "add your site" to GWT all you're doing is verifying that you own the site so Google will give you access to the info that it already collects.

GWT doesn't wait till you add a site for it to start collecting data...
Just because you don't add a website to GWT it doesn't mean that you are "under the radar" and Google doesn't know anything about your site.

May as well access the info and use it to your needs.

This, exactly. There's no way to stop Google as a company from collecting your data. They already know everything that you're trying to keep secret and "safe".
Just wait for few days, see if google spiders have crawled your website and is it indexed in google. If not then you may go ahead with doing so. I got 1 MNS site, after few days it was already indexed, no need to use google webmaster tools.
In my opinion if you aren't using GWT you're doing it wrong. Take the time and learn everything in GWT and you will find some very helpful ways to seo your site and increase traffic if you have at least half a brain. As stAted above there is no risk.