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Too Cool for School
Aug 3, 2008
Was searching for ADD threads only found a couple from way back, i did see the psychotropics thread, wow some experiments going on in there!

Just popped some Vyvanse. I've been taking Stratterra for 5 years, stopped being effective to the point where i was just focusing on the side effects. Doc also gave me Concerta, said to try them each for a week.

Apparently, Vyvanse is from the maker of Adderall and since Adderall went generic the pharm reps are hitting the psychs hard to dispense Vyvanse instead, so Shire can once again corner the market and not lose market share. It is somewhat similar but apparently you can't abuse it, since it relies on an enzyme in your liver for it to work.

I was just so entranced and inspired by the whole marketing machine behind the drug, every time I mentioned Adderall my psych kept switching the subject to you really need to try Vyvanse. He also gave me a promotional package that had a card in it for 3 free prescriptions.

To activate the card I had to call them and do this market research survey.

Big Pharma Marketing is where it's at. lol

Marijuana and Scotch work for me. I did a line of adderall at ASW and it was pretty funky! I think the way ADD is marketed has a lot to do with targeting either underperforming individuals or parents with underperforming kids. Every time I see promo material it's linked to some 'problem'.
Marijuana and Scotch work for me. I did a line of adderall at ASW and it was pretty funky! I think the way ADD is marketed has a lot to do with targeting either underperforming individuals or parents with underperforming kids. Every time I see promo material it's linked to some 'problem'.

my problem with weed is once i smoke all i want to do is smoke and smoke and smoke myself stupid and go out and buy volcano vaporizers for each room in my house. my hat is off to people who can light up and just keep going with their day like it aint no thang.
I'm just gonna put out there that a couple buddies of mine on Vyvance grew fucking wicked tempers compared with when they were on adderall. To the point where they switched back.

yea treading carefully.
Get off of the amphetamines people. Learn to channel your thoughts other ways, the long term damage these drugs have are simply not worth it. Mental discipline is not easily obtained but pumping yourself full of speed just does not seem like the answer in my book.
I'm ADD/ADHD and there are times when I think man it's all bullshit. There ain't no such thing as this shit... it's all a myth... meds won't do shit.

But last night reinforced that maybe it is really true.

Was out of bottle water so I went to the gas station to get a case. I go in get a 32.oz Diet Dew and tell the lady I need a case of water from the cooler outside. I pay, start thinking about god knows what, drive home and sit on the couch to watch SportsCenter. Then I'm like fuck... I walked out of the store, got in my car, and drove home without grabbing the case of water that I paid for out of the cooler.

I drove my ass back thinking... yeah ADD is real
Ya you really should figure out how to get happy with over the Counter stuff / Exercise / Naturpathic stuff. Drug companies want to keep you running in the squirrel cage that makes them moniez.

I haven't taken any prescribed drug for umm maybe 8 years. Haven't taken an aspirin / cold medicine / sleeping pill for 4 years. Do you think cavemen needed a fucking pharmacy down the street? I have no ailments, sleeping problems, or pain. Look for natural fixes not doctor prescribed masks for the problem.

Of course if you are on anything serious like uptake inhibitors / anti depressives / pain meds talk to your doctor that you want to reduce your dosage and hopefully get off of them. Your doc will probably try to get you off them slowly.
Get off of the amphetamines people. Learn to channel your thoughts other ways, the long term damage these drugs have are simply not worth it. Mental discipline is not easily obtained but pumping yourself full of speed just does not seem like the answer in my book.

i'll out mental discipline you and anyone you know with or without meds. but i've got 3 generations of paternal fuck ups, destroyed businesses, failed marriages behind me that dictate i should be wrecked right now. because i matured and chose to get to the bottom of my brain chemistry in my early twenties, i'm the most successful person in my family ever. meanwhile in juxtaposition my father is 55 year old pitiful sob with nothing to his name, and liens on all his property, zero health insurance, who can't pick up the pieces.

his short-term memory is fried, focus is rudderless, he is threatened by details because he won't face his inability to process and retain information well, so he jumps ship on any type of responsibility as a way to cope, this compounds anxiety and all addictions typically begin with attempting to stifle anxiety. so he drinks and drinks.

i wish i could go back and force this shit down his throat 20 years ago i would.
I'm ADD/ADHD and there are times when I think man it's all bullshit. There ain't no such thing as this shit... it's all a myth... meds won't do shit.

But last night reinforced that maybe it is really true.

Was out of bottle water so I went to the gas station to get a case. I go in get a 32.oz Diet Dew and tell the lady I need a case of water from the cooler outside. I pay, start thinking about god knows what, drive home and sit on the couch to watch SportsCenter. Then I'm like fuck... I walked out of the store, got in my car, and drove home without grabbing the case of water that I paid for out of the cooler.

I drove my ass back thinking... yeah ADD is real

That's not being ADD dude, that's just being forgetful. LOL happens to everyone, doesn't mean you need a Rx...
I'll see you at ASE...:p

Marijuana and Scotch work for me. I did a line of adderall at ASW and it was pretty funky! I think the way ADD is marketed has a lot to do with targeting either underperforming individuals or parents with underperforming kids. Every time I see promo material it's linked to some 'problem'.
i need adderall like i cant even believe lately, my head is all over the place
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