Adcenter - UK Redirection

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New member
Jan 10, 2008
Hi all,

Long time lurker here.

Decided to finally get a campaign going instead of constantly reading / taking stuff in.

Anyway, I created a few campaigns / ads in Microsoft Adcenter (UK).

My first ad was approved and I made a few leads which put me in +ROI.

However, when I added a new campaign/ad it was disapproved due to the landing page not matching the ad.

I contacted support and they said the landing page they seen was webfetti.

Obviously they were being redirected due to not being in the US.

I explained to them that this was because the offer was for US traffic only.

The UK support team have passed the support request onto the US team. I am hoping that the ad will then get approved.

I am worried this will happen with every ad from now on as I will be mainly targeting US offers which will redirect non-us traffic.

Does anybody have a solution to this?

Any help appreciated.

Create a landing page or have the ad go through your own redirect.

If the user is from the US, redirect him/her to a similar US offer. You can do this using MaxMind.
Create a landing page or have the ad go through your own redirect.

If the user is from the US, redirect him/her to a similar US offer. You can do this using MaxMind.

Thanks for the reply.

Any way to do it by direct linking?

Since it is my first campaign and I am only testing the water I don't really want to start setting up elaborate landing pages for something that might not work.

Currently I am:

- Targeting US traffic
- Sending my traffic though Prosper202 > US based offer at Neverblueads
- But the ad review team are based in UK so they are not seeing the correct lander as they are being redirected. Thus why my ad is being disapproved.

I thought I might be able to set an alternative URL at Neverblueads but I don't think you can.
You need to send all of the traffic through YOUR own redirect--on your server.

You'd then redirect all UK traffic to a different offer.

If you know some PHP, figuring out MaxMind shouldn't be too difficult to do this task.
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