adcenter slap


New member
Dec 23, 2008
anyone having issues with adcenter? I have had 2 accounts cranking and all of a sudden they just stop. (these accounts we orginally in yahoo)

If you try and call them up the reps have no clue what is going on.

My adcenter spend def grew after they stopped charging me from yahoo, but I am still missing alot of yahoo traffic. But when I check the keywords my ads are still showing on the yahoo searches, so theres def something wrong with the whole switch.
All my impressions on MSN adCenter stopped a few weeks ago save for a single campaign and I couldn't get anything new approved. As soon as the bot hit, it was insta-slap. Even stuff I had running fine on YSM. I was pretty sure my account had been flagged.

As a test, I revived an inactive MSN account and sure enough, no problems. I called support and went through a 3 week process of investigation and appeals. In the end, I deleted most of my campaigns and had the rep submit appeals for the remaining 3. She never could figure out what happened, but the ban has apparently been lifted.

Seems MSN is outsourcing adCenter support to a call center in Tampa, FL. Don't think they are direct MS employees, so they're pretty much in the dark.
I hear you,
many of my ads got disapproved (that were running for months) right about a couple weeks before the bing/yahoo merger happened.

I assumed the merger triggered a round of accounts checking
impressions stopped for me yesterday morning..not sure if this is a slap or just a glitch due to the transition...hoping for the latter
ya I call them they have no clue whats going on they are useless its a call center. all my campaigns are 1k plus a day and just stopped all ads say active but no more impressions. created a new accpint worked for a day and stop but says active.

anyone know whats up. These campaigns worked fine in yahoo MSN sucks!
from another forum....

Update: Just got off the phone with a support engineer - this is a known system-side bug impacting a subset of advertisers. Starting this week, and occurring "randomly and intermittently", some accounts had their Ad Distribution setting set to "Not set", basically pausing all ad groups and campaigns in the account. This can be seen in the Medium column on the Ads tab. Unfortunately manually setting ad distribution to Search Network or other does not fix the problem. No known estimate to fix this...sigh...
All my traffic on Yahoo and Bing stopped yesterday. Called my rep and she had no clue. Told me she would investigate and get back to me. I think i'm fucked.

Will give it till Monday and then start from scratch.
I had some condescending 20 y/o monkey call me yesterday and proceed to try and tell me how ppc worked and ask why I wasn't running the dozen or so campaigns that transitioned in one account.

I replied with "oh- so I guess you haven't linked the other several accounts that I also own back to me- this is good, thanks for the 'homework' of reading your PPC faq's for my small business guy"

He still didn't get it.

This was total 15/hour just trained schmuck - dunno what's going on w/ them.

Yesterday all my campaigns just stopped running. They are all original MSN ones, not Yahoo. Called support today; they said they had gotten other calls in the last couple of days with the same problems and they would escalate it to tech support.

Pain in the ass, was making good $$$
I emailed support and they got back to me saying it was landing page quality issue, looks like they are starting to slap :-(
I emailed support and they got back to me saying it was landing page quality issue, looks like they are starting to slap :-(

to be on the lookout ...

kind of landing page? flog, advertorial, .. ?

vertical? if you want.. rebill, lead, cps?

I don't give a shit about your campaigns ... just want to see what they are looking for.

I had an account terminated on adcenter back when they first started the transition. They never told me why but looking at my prosper stats the only keywords that were being hit by adcenter were trademark related.

I did a flowers campaign & bid on the trademarks of all the major companies like ftd, 800flowers, etc. Also, had a campaign that I had just added all the keywords from google KW tool, so it had KWs with yahoo, google, msn, hotmail, etc. This is the only types of kws they looked at, so ...
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Anybody else's reporting delayed?

I'm seeing clicks still coming in on my end but it doesn't look like their interface has updated since about 6am EST.
I hope they reverse this shit and let us go back to managing our respective YSM and Adcenter campaigns separately. If they want to combine the ad-serving architecture they can do it in the background -- but it shouldn't be fucking with their advertisers. My adspend is down 75%, and I spent mid 5 to low 6 figures per day on YSM for 2+ years.

My rep is no where to be found, all public support verticals are complete jokes, Adcenter "Desktop" is a piece of shit that uses shitty SQL Server as the engine, and this whole transition is just a total shitshow.
My search results are showing randomly and intermittently...traffic is about half to 40% of what it what prior to this merger.
I'm missing plenty of profit because of this; I wish they'd get their shit together.