Accounts at Dreamhost? Change your passwords now.


Illusion has become real.
May 27, 2009
Northern Mexico
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: We are writing to let you know that there may have been illegal and unauthorized access to some of your passwords at DreamHost today. Our security systems detected the potential breach this morning and we immediately took the defensive precaution of expiring and resetting all FTP/shell access passwords for all DreamHost customers and their users. There are three different types of passwords at DreamHost: a web panel password (for logging into the panel), email passwords, and FTP/shell access passwords. Only the FTP/shell access passwords appear to have been compromised by the illegal access. Web panel passwords, email passwords and billing information for DreamHost customers were not affected or accessed. Refer to the following DreamHost status post for details: DreamHost Status » Blog Archive » Changing Shell/FTP Passwords due to Security Issue (RESOLVED).

Go Go Go Go

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^^ Yeah, it's a thank you Mr. captain fucking obvious thread I guess, whoever's checking threads here is definitely checking their email, so officially this thread is now about go go dancers.




isn't dreamhost owned by the same company as bluehost and hostmonster??

are the others affected? my client is on hostmonster