Acceptable ROI on a new campaign?

What ROI would you need to continue running the campaign?

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Mar 17, 2008
New York
Once you have a new offer up and running and pretty much tweaked everthing you can to give you just about the best ROI you can pull what would be your cutoff point when deciding to continue running it or use your resources for other things with a better ROI? Many people I know say to leave it running if it's in the green at all while others say not to waste the resources (time, energy, money) if it's anything less than 100% ROI. What would be your magic number to keep running the campaign?

Depends on revenue really. I'll rather run a $100,000 campaign at a 20% ROI than a $10,000 one at 30%. It also obviously depends on your financial situation, a year ago I would have ditched anything under 80-100% just because I didn't have the means to run a campaign at such a "low" return.
25%+ ROI is fine with me if it's on a network I get weekly payments with. But really it depends on the time commitment involved compared to other campaigns I have going.
Are you guys kidding? The OP is asking about ROI on a NEW campaign. I'd be pretty excited even if I break even on a newly launched campaign. Little tweaks here & there will turn the campaign profitable.
oh, I made a mistake to poll 50% before I knew this is for new campaigns only.
I would defenitely vote for 10%, since there are lots of rooms for tweaking.
yeah, break even is great while you weed out the shit non converting keywords.
Are you guys kidding? The OP is asking about ROI on a NEW campaign. I'd be pretty excited even if I break even on a newly launched campaign. Little tweaks here & there will turn the campaign profitable.

Learn to read. Same goes for you dickson and harry:

Once you have a new offer up and running and pretty much tweaked everthing you can to give you just about the best ROI you can pull what would be your cutoff point when deciding to continue running it or use your resources for other things with a better ROI?

FatalError, dickson, harry1970 you all failed the reading comprehension class in high school I see. Thanks for not reading and fucking up the poll results.
No you fail for making it confusing. All 3 of the poll question, the post subject and your initial description imply something different.
@kingfish Guess some are easily confused. Seems pretty clear to me and to most of the people who responded. The only thing that could have possibly thrown you off was the word "new" in the headline of the post. Anyone who took two seconds to read the post should easily be able to find the sentence "Once you have a new offer up and running and pretty much tweaked everthing you can to give you just about the best ROI you can pull what would be your cutoff point when deciding to continue running it or use your resources for other things with a better ROI?" which says it all in plain English.

@dickson No worries I was just busting your balls. I really don't care that much just a curious question to put out there. At the end of the day gopher was right it depends on how much it's putting in your bank account more than ROI.
I would have no problem getting even 1% as long as it was high volume

It mainly depends on the money over all
sorry dog,

I guess it depends how badly you want to break into that niche. It also depends if you're bidding high on google search network to get an awesome CTR and therefore your bid price will be dropped by google, increasing your ROI.

But as any affiliate knows, affiliate marketing can fuck with your head if you think to hard. Some campaigns just won't work while others have insane ROI days followed by shithouse ones...

I'm sort of with the school of if its making money let it run. Of course thats only if its not eating up a lot of time. If I only need to spend a couple of minutes per day/week on a campaign and its profiting, i'm inclined to let it run. That said my aim for every campaign is always 100% ROI
Once you have a new offer up and running and pretty much tweaked everthing you can to give you just about the best ROI you can pull what would be your cutoff point when deciding to continue running it or use your resources for other things with a better ROI? Many people I know say to leave it running if it's in the green at all while others say not to waste the resources (time, energy, money) if it's anything less than 100% ROI. What would be your magic number to keep running the campaign?
I don't know why anyone would've voted for 10%... If that's the max ROI you can get out of it, you'll be losing money. Taxes people.

If it's a new campaign then of course 10% is good but the op is talking about a campaign that's gotten the best ROI it can.
I don't know why anyone would've voted for 10%... If that's the max ROI you can get out of it, you'll be losing money. Taxes people.

If it's a new campaign then of course 10% is good but the op is talking about a campaign that's gotten the best ROI it can.

Not that I agree that 10% is a good ROI but my question to you is are you retarded?

Lets say you make $1100 on a $1000 spend (10% profit), you would pay $30ish in taxes out of your $100 profit. How would you be losing money?
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