Acai - Good or Bad ??

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New member
Jan 20, 2009
Hey Guys,

Just looking to do an Acai offer and wanted some feedback on what to do and what not to do ?

The figures I have researched suggest they convert between 6 - 10% and give a decent EPC - so just wanted some general feedback on what to be wary of.



boobage :


Way too much competition on that as far as PPC and search goes.

Tried it only to lose alot of money due to oversaturation.
If you start promoting acai now you will probably lose money. I wouldn't even try it.
ya heavily over saturated. lost money too. thinking that some of the peeps getting ad position have to be scamming and just not paying for the ads, bc no way the cost per clicks can be profitable :-\
does it usually take an abnormal time to get ads reviewed for acai on search?
I got sued for promoting Acai. $14.32m. I'm now homeless and being fucked by a midget albino for mcdonalds coffee every 3rd sunday of the month.

But if you like that sorta thing, ya, money to be made in acai my friend.
But be sure to order every offer of sugar cookies and taste-test first. Some taste like doo-doo :-( Too many re-bill cancels will get you canned from the cookie factory.
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