Acai Detox + Acai Thin FAIL?


New member
Feb 14, 2009
Anyone seeing horrific conversions with Acai Detox and Acai Thin today? Actually, horrific is a complement, ZERO conversions is more exact. Luckily, I'm splitting my traffic between 8 different offers, so it's that that much of hit, but I did lose out on about 50 conversions today.

Anyone else seeing no numbers for those two offers? Unfortunately it's too late so I can't get in touch with my affiliate manager. Hopefully they'll bounce back tomorrow.

I don't really run acai so I don't know, but are they both by the same advertiser? If so, zero conversions could mean the tracking's down.
Just looked into it quickly, and it does seem that the offers are coming from the same advertiser.
Well, if they converted fine until then and zero conversions, my guess would be tracking is down. Definitely don't know for sure though.
Yes, must be. Running 10%+ conversion rate on both for over 3 weeks. Has to be a tracking error on their side. Just wanted to double-check with others on the forum.
Acai market is dying now because of all the bad publicity in major media. Better off to move on to the next few things that are not big yet and start establishing yourself in those niches. Best thing to do is to check with your affiliate company though to see whats going on because no one here can solve it.
Just looked into it quickly, and it does seem that the offers are coming from the same advertiser.

Did you find anymore offers from that particular advertiser? Noticed something similar on one Acai campaign the other day...
Oh- forgot- here's another 100% scrub:
Never*blue zip sub (will refrain from posting the offer)
Day 1. .18 epc ~ 500 clicks, good ROI.
Day 2 .00 epc ~ 300 clicks, um..not so good ROI.

Network (NB) asks us basically if we are doing BH to gen the clicks..
Um..sure, black hatters..thats us. Get Real people..
Wanna see the IP's, 202 logs etc etc?
All legit.

For the Google offer, I would say it's a reporting error. For the submit, then the ultimate scrub is possible.
Wasn't Acai Detox pulled the other day? Could be why you're getting zero conversions..

The other day being? It was converting beautifully yesterday. I have been keeping up with all the offers that have been getting pulled. Plus I just checked all the others that have been pulled, and none of them include Acai Detox, just a shit load of other diet products.

So, hoping that it wasn't pulled.