absolute gem for weightloss research

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Aug 7, 2007
gearing up your copywriting skills and getting ready to bang out the next beckys blog masterpiece? or just doing some fat chick research.

here's an absolute gem of a blog to really get inside your victims/prospects head.

101 Reasons I Hate Being Fat!

not a dick roll, honest :)
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jeez seriously its not a dickroll lol

here's the headlines i ran a scraper on it earlier:

#1 - Nothing Fits!
#2 - Being TOTALLY out of shape
#3 - I can't cross my legs
#4 - Airplanes
#5 - Being judged on looks alone
#6 - Fat Clothes
#7 - Pregnant?
#8 - Exhausted!
#9 - "The Look"
#10 - Skinny Gals' Complaints
#11 - Smocks at the doctors office
#12 - Being reminded that I'm fat
#13 - Sweating
#14 - Dating
#15 - Feeling Sexy
#16 - Unable to do the activities I want to do
#17 - Having my picture taken
#18 - Feeling Self-conscious
#19 - Worrying if plastic outdoor chairs will hold me
#20 - I hate that I might die if I don't lose weight!
#21 - Table or booth?
#22 - Name Calling
#23 - Backaches!
#24 - Ashamed to go to the gym
#25 - Feeling Guilty When Eating
#26 - Spending the equivalent of the GDP of a small nation on diet programs
#27 - Stomach Rolls
#28 - I hate statements that start with, "If I were thin…"
#29 - Sugar Addiction/ Hypoglycemia
#30 - Having half a dozen sizes in my closet
#31 - Tucking in my shirt
#32 - Seat belts - Do they ever fit comfortably?
#33 - Being the heaviest person in the room
#34 - Messy eating: Is all food destined to land on my shirt?
#35 - Being told I have a pretty face
#36 - Small Bathroom Stalls
#37 - I Hate the Media, for making us think a size 8 is fat!
#38 - I hate that I barely need to wear a coat in the winter!
#39 - Elevators – Will I be the one to push us over the weight limit?
#40 - Running into doors - I don't know my own width
#41 - The simple act of getting dressed is a chore!
#42 - Hair Styles: No matter what I do with my hair, I still look fat!
#43 - Trying to determine my ideal weight
#44 - Intimidating workout equipment
#45 - Being weighed at the doctor's office
#46 - I hate that my favorite TV channel is Food TV
#47 - Lingerie -Let's not go there!
#48 - Feeling embarrassed all the time!
#49 - Stretch marks
#50 - High Blood Pressure
#51 - Feeling like my life is on hold
#52 - The power food has over me!
#53 - The waddle
#54 - Not being able to go to a spa
#55 - I'm too young to feel this old!
#56 - Fat bigots
#57 - The bathroom scale!
#58 - Being the fat bridesmaid
#59 - My poor feet
#60 - Blaming everything on my weight
#61 - Back fat!
#62 - Shopping with thin friends knowing I can't buy anything
#63 - Buffet restaurants
#64 - Sleeveless Shirts
#65 - Hygiene
#66 - Never getting clothes for gifts anymore
#67 - Completely wasting my 20's
#68 - The joys of summer - Chafing of my inner thighs
#69 - SEX!!!
#70 - Feeling Alone
#71 - Stomach getting in the way of everything
#72 - I want to wear cute strappy sandals, not wide-ass shoes!!
#73 - Thinking that people are ashamed of me
#74 - My outer body doesn't match my inner self
#75 - Not feeling normal
#76 - Cellulite
#77 - Not recognizing myself in the mirror
#78 - I hate feeling that the only thing keeping me from being truly happy is my weight!
#79 - Thinking about weight ALL the time!
#80 - I hate the way I feel in clothes
#81 - Bikinis - Can I ever wear one?
#82 - Dressing rooms and 360 degree mirrors
#83 - I hate feeling ugly or androgynous
#84 - Specialized Medical Equipment
#85 - Traveling!
#86 - My big butt!
#87 - Celebrity Weight Loss Shows
#88 - I don't want to become the crazy cat lady!
#89 - Afraid to go to high school reunions
#90 - Double chins!
#91 - Not feeling comfortable in my own skin
#92 - Fat Acceptance Organizations: I Don't Want to be a Goddess!
#93 - Overdeveloped Calf Muscles
#94 - Going to the beach
#95 - Denial...
#96 - Going to concerts...
#97 - Feeling like an outsider
#98 - Numbers
#99 - Being Hypersensitive

2 more to go!

makes my head spin like a top thinking of all the ads/keywords/copy i can get out of this
#97 - Feeling like an outsider
#98 - Numbers
#99 - Being Hypersensitive

They forgot one

#100 - Can't wipe my ass

That is one sad but awesome list.
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